Sniping tips

Oh, so because someone’s aim is bad they should keep their head up for everyone, so they are an easier target and die quicker? I’m sorry, but your failing at baiting.

Nice thread, monsta. Almost motivates me to do one on arena. On a side note, SMG Master Race.

or learn how to aim idk

I just press e to get perfect aim. Ez bru

but e is used to match block color
use f instead

Crouchspamming isn’t the only way to avoid being shot.

Just throw and bash your keyboard somewhere, I’m sure it could make a change.

You can either: A: Crouchspam, B: Jumpspam, C: Hope you don’t get shot, D: Nothing and you die, or E: All of the above.

I subscribe to option E and it works quite well. I recall you frequent option D.

Also no one answered me with either track or trap.

Thanks for this Monstarules. Hey guys, today me and Monstarules had a match! Watch it here.
I was losing due to major lag, I’d have on 200ms then suddenly 9991ms and such. Do To Lag From BandiCam Cracked Full Version


lol it possible to be good sniper with ping of 350+ ?:smiley:

Girls are a trap, a pretty trap. (Kudos if you know where that’s from) Anywho, it depends really on who you’re playing with. Just like there’s not really any need to crouch spam on deuces because they can’t hit you anyway.

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Beat Ace again. He still tried being a sore loser and kept trying to water camp

1v1 pl0x

ya its possible.

useful, I up it so I can read it on my desktop monitor later