Skyrim rpg forum game

Oh no, I’m starting this again. Oh well.

So yeah this is a skyrim thing but it’s that rpg thing we’ve done before so here’s the picture:

Ok, so you come from a small village that was just attacked and ultimately destroyed by a dragon that no one has any idea where it came from. You are a pardoned soldier from your village due to a battle that crippled one of your legs, making it impossible to go to battle. So, you built your life upon lots of knowledge of when this war happened but also you are an excellent farmer. Okay, you’re now trying to run away from the dragon and he loses you in the forest you’re in when you encounter a hut in the forest. It looks torn up but you know someone is in there due to the smoke emitting from the chimney.

There’s a sign that says keep out, although there is something that smells good from the hut. What should you do?
Here is your organized inventory this time:

-Beggars Cloth
-Rusty Copper Short Sword
-Magic (None - Your class is a warrior)
-HP - 100%
-Armor - 0%

  • Speed - Not Altered. (May be altered due to heavy armor, fatigue or the state of overencumbering)
    Class: Soldier.
    Inventory: (Stuff that isn’t equipped)
    Cheese Wheel. (5) [Regenerates health by 5%](I heard that dragon born’s could eat a whole cheese wheel in the midst of battle, but those are rumors…)
    Potion of Healing. (2)
    Map of Skyrim (1) (Can’t be sold or traded or destroyed.)

I destroy map of skyrim and the world ends.

go in the house through the chimney
once you’re inside you eat the cake that smells good
but the cake was poisoned and you died

lick my rusty copper sword

knock on door


you realize that the door is unlocked and open it a little

the inside seems to be a small cozy cottage

hunger overtakes any withdrawals and you open the door completely and walk inside, seeing the blueberry pie that had smelled so delicious

eat pie

suddenly you hear loud raucous footsteps and laughter coming from outside, you quickly run into the bedroom and hide under the smaller than average bed

ok so you lick your rusty sword, gain tetnis or however you spell it,

then go in the hut, eat the cake and hide under the bed. Gj.

You hear the laughter from outside come closer and closer then you hear the sound of the guard pounding their metal gloves against the door, demanding taxes. He will barge in and find you if you won’t answer the door. What should you do?
-Beggars Cloth
-Rusty Copper Short Sword
-Magic (None - Your class is a warrior)
-HP - 100% (Will affect you later with a damage of 30% due to tetnis)
-Armor - 0%

  • Speed - Not Altered. (May be altered due to heavy armor, fatigue or the state of overencumbering)
    Class: Soldier.
    Inventory: (Stuff that isn’t equipped)
    Cheese Wheel. (5) [Regenerates health by 5%](I heard that dragon born’s could eat a whole cheese wheel in the midst of battle, but those are rumors…)
    Potion of Healing. (2)
    Map of Skyrim (1) (Can’t be sold or traded or destroyed.)

you open a window and quicky scramble outside

you creep around the perimeter of the clearing and see the guard threatening to knock down the door if no one comes to answer the door

suddenly there is a rustling noise coming from the forest, you see two menacing men rush toward the guard at the door and cut his throat open they then drag the body inside and shut the door

scared out of your wits you blindly run until reaching a walled town

a soldier at the gates sees you and laughs “you look like you’ve seen a ghost, what’s wrong?”

you are now faced with a predicament of whether to tell the soldier about the murder or keep quiet