Shit i doubleposted


pls remove adminzzzzzzzzzzzz <3


It’s alright.

Kuunikal has been removed from at the request of the OP.


One less bully in our midst!

You are a jerk.

Oh look the bullies are getting frustrated with their own reflections! The only solution is to bully more! Oh, and let’s gang up and quote each other so our bullying feels more valid and justified! :slight_smile:

I agree

Oooh a new pyramid thread! :slight_smile:

kk, I start.

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xx Best semi holiday ever
May 03, 2016, 09:36:21 PM HST by shywolf91
11 comments | Write Comment
xx [Event] May FSOM - Pinpoint
April 15, 2016, 06:08:41 PM HST by FerrariFlunker

FSOM is back! May I suggest maybe signing up for the May FSOM, since there may be some mayhem on pinpoint…?

May 7th, 2016
10 PM <-- Click Here
1ctf Pinpoint

Try not to be late and reserve your seat HERE!

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122 comments | Write Comment
xx the big 5
February 14, 2016, 02:33:01 PM HST by izzy is 5 years old today. i really can’t believe how fast times flies! must be all the fun we’ve had and the memories we’ve made. :slight_smile:

thanks for being a part of this experience. we are what we are because of our combined efforts. here’s to another year and many more!

image credit to Ferrari
30 comments | Write Comment
xx build and splat: a new game mode for AoS Classic by OpenSpades creator yvt
January 10, 2016, 11:25:47 PM HST by izzy

your gun is now a paintball gun; the goal of this game mode is to help your team “paint” more blocks than the enemy team before the clock runs out. shooting teammates heals them, shooting enemies damages them, and shooting blocks - you guessed it - paints them. the gameplay is similar to Nintendo’s Splatoon game.

created by OpenSpades creator yvt. thanks to onigiri for sending us this fun gift. :smiley:

TO PLAY, enter aos://1379434439:55887:0.75 in your web browser’s address bar or look for build and splat on the server list at or in OpenSpades.

UPDATE January 12, 2016:

Quote from: izzy on January 12, 2016, 03:05:27 PM HST

we've greyscaled the maps (thanks Danke) so it's easier to see the paint:

	This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x640.

	This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x640.

17 comments | Write Comment
xx Happy New Year!
December 31, 2015, 07:57:41 PM HST by FerrariFlunker

Happy New Year!!!
Thanks so much to shoosh, Light, and shywolf91 for their help with the firework display!
It only took 3 hours!
12 comments | Write Comment
xx Happy holidays
December 19, 2015, 11:13:35 PM HST by shywolf91
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1677x1023.

Have a merry Christmas and a happy news years everyone

Quote from: onigiri on December 22, 2015, 12:02:20 PM HST

Have a merry Christmas and a happy news years everyone! :D :D :D

19 comments | Write Comment
xx [Event] December FSOM - Zombies
November 22, 2015, 07:00:12 PM HST by FerrariFlunker

We’re playing the zombie gamemode for December! Zombie translation: GaHadjapfwaJiepaWA!

December 5th, 2015
10 PM <- Click Here
Humans vs. Zombies

Try not to be late and reserve your seat HERE!

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Please try to be on mumble and in the IRC 15 minutes prior to the event. You can find the IRC webchat link on the top right corner of aloha home page, or simply click the blue “IRC” above. Thanks!
45 comments | Write Comment
xx [Event] October FSOM - Blockpower
September 28, 2015, 05:47:11 PM HST by FerrariFlunker

This is when the pink block comes into play… It’s blockpower!!!

October 3rd, 2015
10 PM GMT      
Aloha Blockpower

Try not to be late and reserve your seat HERE!

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Please try to be on mumble and in the IRC 15 minutes prior to the event. You can find the IRC webchat link on the top right corner of aloha home page, or simply click the blue “IRC” above. Thanks!
35 comments | Write Comment
xx [Event] September FSOM - Tug Of War
August 26, 2015, 07:36:20 AM HST by FerrariFlunker

TOW time! (Picture may depict variation of actual gameplay)

Tug Of War
September 5th, 2015
10 PM GMT   <-- Click Here!   
Aloha TOW

Try not to be late and reserve your seat HERE!

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Please try to be on mumble and in the IRC 15 minutes prior to the event. You can find the IRC webchat link on the top right corner of aloha home page, or simply click the blue “IRC” above. Thanks!
36 comments | Write Comment
xx [Event] August FSOM - Staff Vs Forum Arena
July 25, 2015, 08:42:18 AM HST by FerrariFlunker

Prepare yourselves! It’s arena time! Staff vs Forum style.

Arena All Maps
August 1st, 2015
10 PM GMT    <-- Click Here!
Arena All Maps

Try not to be late and reserve your seat HERE!

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Please try to be on mumble and in the IRC 15 minutes prior to the event. You can find the IRC webchat link on the top right corner of aloha home page, or simply click the blue “IRC” above. Thanks!
78 comments | Write Comment
xx [Event] July FSOM- Pinpoint Tournament!
June 12, 2015, 07:50:02 PM HST by FerrariFlunker

Survey the battlefield! War is drawing near…

Spoiler for How does this tourney work?:

Spoiler for Pinpoint:

Spoiler for Team Edfeanshysi:
Spoiler for Team Obkuon:
Spoiler for Team Sikuga:
Spoiler for Team Fleshacesaha:
Spoiler for Team Elevgoaidku:
Spoiler for Team Mrdweimel:
Spoiler for Team Frearapimca:
← Click Me!
91 comments | Write Comment
xx [Event] June FSOM - Classicgen CTF
May 28, 2015, 07:43:16 PM HST by FerrariFlunker

“What we love from the past will always come back in the future” - Somebody?..
It’s time to go back to our roots and play some classic classicgen!
There will be a few twists, so read below!

Classicgen CTF
June 6th, 2015
10 PM  <-- Click Here! 24/7 Classicgen

Just like old times, we will be using rifle only! Also, there will be a 2 day building period before the event starts. Use this time to build your tunnels, bunkers, towers, etc!

Try not to be late and reserve your seat HERE!

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Please try to be on mumble and in the IRC 15 minutes prior to the event. You can find the IRC webchat link on the top right corner of aloha home page, or simply click the blue “IRC” above. Thanks!
99 comments | Write Comment
xx [Event] May FSOM - MiniFun TDM
April 24, 2015, 04:35:46 AM HST by FerrariFlunker

It’s close quarters time! Join us for the 2015 May FSOM on our new MiniFun server!
This is a semi-new gamemode with some new maps created by Dany0!

TDM MiniMaps
May 2nd, 2015
5 PM UTC/GMT    Times WorldWide MiniFun

Try not to be late and reserve your seat HERE!

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Please try to be on mumble and in the IRC 15 minutes prior to the event. You can find the IRC webchat link on the top right corner of aloha home page, or simply click the blue “IRC” above. Thanks!
76 comments | Write Comment
xx April event - 4teams - April 11 2015
April 01, 2015, 11:13:55 AM HST by shywolf91
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 700x382.

Its finally April and for this month’s event we decided to do 4teams. 4 different teams will duke it out for the single intel.

Times Worldwide for 4/11/2015

Mode: 4teams (fourteams)
Date: 4/11/2015
Time: 8 PM UTC/GMT
Server: 4teams

Try not to be late and reserve your seat here

Spoiler for Mumble Info:

Spoiler for Leaderboard:

Please try to be on mumble and in the IRC 15 minutes prior to the event. You can find the IRC webchat link on the top right corner of aloha home page. Thanks!
101 comments | Write Comment
xx [Event] March FSOM - Zombies
February 24, 2015, 03:41:24 PM HST by FerrariFlunker
Event Over! Thanks for playing!
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 642x284.

Original Banner Gif
For March’s 2015 FSOM, we will be playing Zombies! Human or not, fight your way to become a victor!

Times Worldwide

Mode: Zombies
Date: March 7, 2014
Time: 8 PM GMT
Server: Zombies

Try not to be late and reserve your seat here!

Spoiler for Mumble Info:

Spoiler for Leaderboard:

Please try to be on mumble and in the IRC 15 minutes prior to the event. You can find the IRC webchat link on the top right corner of aloha home page, or simply click the red “IRC” above. Thanks!
61 comments | Write Comment

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Hello Torch
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Ace of Spades Classic

1ctf pinpoint :spades: status
1ctf pinpoint 0.76 :spades: status
4teams :spades: status
arena all :spades: status
arena cs :spades: status
arena top 10 :spades: status
arena top 10 0.76 :spades: status
babel :spades: status
babel 0.76 :spades: status
blockpower :spades: status
build :spades: status
ctf :spades: status
ctf 0.76 :spades: status
ctf classicgen :spades: status
dig dug :spades: status
experimental 1 :spades: status
experimental 2 :spades: status
experimental 3 :spades: status
football/soccer :spades: status
fort war :spades: status
global war :spades: status
infiltration :spades: status
intel rpg :spades: status
king of the hill :spades: status
land claim :spades: status
push :spades: status
r1ctf hallway :spades: status
r1ctf hallway 0.76 :spades: status
race/parkour :spades: status
smashoff :spades: status
splat :spades: status
stand :spades: status
tdm :spades: status
tdm faceoff :spades: status
tennis :spades: status
tow :spades: status
zombies :spades: status
AoS live feed
atrain1298 got a kill!
(TMB) AA got a kill!
(TMB) AA got a kill!
(TMB) AA got a kill!
(TMB) AA got a kill!
(TMB) AA got a kill!
(TMB) AA died!
atrain1298 died!
(TMB) AA got a kill!
(TMB) AA got a kill!
(TMB) AA died!
(TMB) AA got a kill!
(TMB) AA got a kill!
(TMB) AA died!
atrain1298 got a kill!
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Year 2016 Goal: $1148.64
Due Date: Dec 31
Total Receipts: $444.42
Below Goal: $704.22
Site Currency: USD
Year 2016 Donations
Jun-26 Kuunikal CAD4.42
Jun-7 Nathan USD20.00
May-29 Froelich13… USD10.00
May-18 onigiri USD50.00
May-9 Froelich13… USD10.00
May-6 shywolf91 USD5.00
May-3 Nathan USD20.00
Apr-7 Nathan USD20.00
Mar-19 israelleel… USD50.00
Mar-12 Froelich13… USD10.00
Mar-9 Nathan USD20.00
Feb-17 NotAgain USD25.00
Feb-15 Light AUD0.60
Feb-5 Raykay101 CAD0.56
Jan-31 Anonymous USD100.00
Jan-13 Nathan USD100.00
Jan-4 Reaper2.0 USD0.31
Year 2015 Donations
Dec-27 Jyromefedx CAD10.00
Dec-22 Nathan USD20.00
Dec-21 onigiri USD50.00
Dec-9 shoosh USD6.99
Nov-18 Reaper2.0 USD0.22
Nov-17 Nathan USD20.00
Nov-12 shoosh USD10.00
Oct-31 onigiri JPY2000.00
Oct-7 Nathan USD20.00
Sep-16 shoosh USD6.99
Sep-10 Nathan USD20.00
Aug-18 Colorpinpo… CAD10.00
Aug-12 Nathan USD20.00
Aug-12 shoosh USD6.99
Aug-9 onigiri JPY5000.00
Jul-28 Froelich131 USD140.04
Jul-24 SirKael USD5.00
Jul-24 Hawkan USD10.00
Jun-30 Lutein JPY1000.00
Jun-29 Reki USD20.00
Jun-25 Nathan USD50.00
Jun-8 Nathan USD20.00
Jun-2 onigiri JPY5000.00
May-5 Nathan USD20.00
May-5 onigiri JPY3000.00
Apr-15 shywolf91 USD5.00
Apr-14 onigiri JPY3000.00
Apr-13 Nathan USD20.00
Mar-26 onigiri JPY3000.00
Mar-13 Nathan USD20.00
Feb-27 onigiri JPY3000.00
Feb-27 onigiri JPY10.00
Feb-14 Torch USD4.00
Feb-13 Anonymous USD31.69
Feb-9 Nathan USD20.00
Feb-7 Froelich13… USD10.00
Feb-7 Pun USD50.00
Feb-4 Raykay101 CAD0.43
Jan-30 Froelich13… USD10.00
Jan-20 CapRex USD0.01
Jan-19 Nathan USD50.00
Jan-6 Anonymous JPY5000.00
Year 2014 Donations
Dec-29 Anonymous USD25.00
Dec-10 onigiri JPY3000.00
Nov-25 Nathan USD10.00
Nov-20 onigiri JPY3000.00
Nov-14 Williams USD4.00
Nov-12 shywolf91 USD5.00
Oct-31 onigiri USD30.00
Oct-20 Nathan USD10.00
Oct-19 Anonymous JPY3000.00
Oct-14 Hawkan USD25.00
Sep-25 Anonymous USD25.00
Sep-24 Nathan USD10.00
Sep-1 Anonymous USD25.00
Aug-22 Nathan USD10.00
Aug-18 Anonymous USD25.00
Jul-31 Anonymous USD25.00
Jul-23 Nathan USD10.00
Jul-22 onigiri USD25.00
Jul-8 Nathan USD120.00
Jun-29 crumpet GBP9.99
Jun-27 Torch USD2.99
Jun-25 Nathan USD10.00
Jun-2 nathan USD10.00
Apr-23 Nathan USD10.00
Apr-23 Lutein USD10.00
Mar-30 Hawkan USD15.00
Mar-28 Nathan USD10.00
Mar-16 topo AUD150.00
Mar-14 Nathan USD10.00
Mar-12 Hawkan USD25.00
Mar-5 Jyromefedx CAD25.00
Feb-28 Danke USD30.00
Feb-24 NotAgain USD25.00
Feb-22 Hawkan USD15.00
Feb-16 Anonymous USD10.00
Feb-16 AEM USD10.00
Feb-7 Anonymous GBP5.00
Feb-6 AEM USD5.00
Feb-6 Hawkan USD25.00
Feb-5 Nathan USD10.00
Feb-2 KomradeDoc… USD0.03
Jan-22 Nathan USD20.00
Jan-2 Anonymous USD25.00
Year 2013 Donations
Dec-27 Anonymous USD30.00
Dec-20 Anonymous USD30.00
Dec-14 Anonymous USD30.00
Dec-8 Anonymous USD10.00
Nov-30 Reaper2.0 USD3.67
Nov-28 Anonymous USD30.00
Nov-18 Danke USD60.00
Nov-15 Jyromefedx CAD30.00
Oct-31 adrianhb10… USD100.00
Sep-7 shywolf91 USD5.00
Sep-6 Thufman USD7.50
Aug-16 This Guy USD35.00
Aug-1 Juxta GBP10.00
Jul-31 Anonymous USD40.00
Jul-30 Anonymous USD40.00
Jul-29 Anonymous USD40.00
Jul-29 Anonymous USD40.00
Jul-27 Anonymous USD40.00
Jun-15 This Guy USD5.00
May-25 Cocolf EUR0.01
Apr-1 walmarto USD25.00
Mar-16 shywolf91 USD5.00
Mar-12 Anonymous USD10.00
Mar-1 Anonymous USD14.50
Feb-20 Anonymous USD22.50
Feb-10 this guy USD50.00
Feb-10 Anonymous USD22.50
Feb-4 this guy USD15.00
Feb-4 this guy USD5.00
Jan-21 this guy USD5.00
Jan-11 Anonymous EUR15.00

Year 2012 Donations
good vibes

most recent forum posts
[whatevahs] Re: The last comment wins! by Torch June 26, 2016, 10:21:17 AM HST
[the little big list] Re: **** I DOUBLEPOSTED by Sarim June 26, 2016, 10:12:08 AM HST
[whatevahs] Re: The last comment wins! by QuickBrownFox June 26, 2016, 10:05:41 AM HST
[the little big list] Re: **** I DOUBLEPOSTED by Torch June 26, 2016, 09:57:55 AM HST
[abuse reports] Re: mile by Kuunikal June 26, 2016, 09:47:03 AM HST
[the little big list] Re: **** I DOUBLEPOSTED by Sarim June 26, 2016, 09:29:15 AM HST
[the little big list] Re: **** I DOUBLEPOSTED by Kuunikal June 26, 2016, 09:27:01 AM HST
[whatevahs] Re: The last comment wins! by Torch June 26, 2016, 09:24:22 AM HST
[whatevahs] Re: The last ban wins! by Asame June 26, 2016, 09:12:08 AM HST
[whatevahs] Re: The last comment wins! by Torch June 26, 2016, 09:10:49 AM HST
[whatevahs] Re: Unban the user that posts this post by Torch June 26, 2016, 09:04:47 AM HST
[abuse reports] Re: mile by Torch June 26, 2016, 08:59:18 AM HST
[the little big list] Re: **** I DOUBLEPOSTED by Torch June 26, 2016, 08:57:51 AM HST
[whatevahs] Re: Unban the user that posts this post by QuickBrownFox June 26, 2016, 08:47:10 AM HST
[abuse reports] #11 TrueCrypt - Babel- 6/26/2016- 20:39 UTC +2 by Pepe(fin) New June 26, 2016, 08:46:26 AM HST
[Ace of Spades Classic] Re: Changes to BnS by Torch June 26, 2016, 08:45:34 AM HST
[whatevahs] Re: Unban the user that posts this post by Asame June 26, 2016, 08:41:58 AM HST
[Ace of Spades Classic] Re: Changes to BnS by Asame June 26, 2016, 08:36:42 AM HST
[the little big list] Re: SHIT I DOUBLEPOSTED by Asame June 26, 2016, 08:33:51 AM HST
[abuse reports] Re: mile by Titanium June 26, 2016, 08:31:40 AM HST
Kuunikal: Also - is there gunna be a July FSOM? If so, I’d vouch for it to be on Assault2.
k sorry ace memes arent funni anymore
Kuunikal: what i meant was
ur afhbaewbtlhjnbesmrtbjhe
getting dere
Kuunikal: o sry
Kuunikal: ur awijrajwthjnesktuhdjseklrt
Kuunikal: so wassup biatchz
Stradivarius: nice
Sarim: Fun Fact: Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour.
Stradivarius: paradox
twodayudie: I’m from the future, everybody that is talking here will be dead in 150 years, I also hacked this account to give you guys this important message. I cannot reveal my secret identity tho… sorry, be sure to say good bye to your family and your loved ones
Stradivarius: a lot
Sarim: How fast is a quantum computer compared to normal “non-quantum” super computers
Stradivarius: You’re banned again. Bye bye :wink:
Kuunikal: my brother did it sory
Stradivarius: I will give you a chance if you admit your mistake.
Kuunikal: guys help i got baned by herobruine how do i fix it i hear if u go i nto systewm64 u can beat minecraft???
Kuunikal: how do i download aimbots for my minecraft hunger games server
Sarim: Which gamemode gets you most cash in Battlefield Hardline Multiplayer
so wassup biatchz
Kuunikal: d̨ͮ̂̽̈̋́̀̊̓̊̈́́̚͞͏͚̖̱͔͕̻̲̩̣̦̖̘̯̹͍͜a̵̸̧̢͔̯̤̝̱͖ͭ͑̀ͨ͊̈́̽̽ͯ̒̆̅̋̑̌ͦͧ͑̔ț̨̻̘͔̜̙̖͎͓̳̮̮͈̣̍̈̅̊͑̏ͬ͆͌̽̚͘ ̎ͥ̂̽̄ͧͥ̍̀͛̈̚҉̡̢̘̱͚̣b̷̰͇̭̮̙͍̠̮̋̅̍͑ͥͣͮ̌̋̎̐̌ͯ̀̚͟͢ͅö́̈͗́ͮ̌ͫ͜҉̶̵̥̙̟̭͚̳̞̱̙̲̩̬͕̥̯̺̫͓͞i̐ͫ̂̆͗͌͐ͮͭ̿̐̾ͧ҉̡͍̺̯͓̻͔̮͇̱̭̣̼̰̲̩ oops sorry i dropped my dank memes
[Noob]Ep–: Yep
Sarim: Report hackers, be nice, help the community :slight_smile:
kaylaa: How do you become an admin?
[Noob]Ep–: wawa
Titanium: Noooooo
view all ramblings

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Someone, please, lock this thread.
Just do it before it turns into the anonymoose section.

My pyramid is bigger than yours. :slight_smile:

Okay, we are proud.

Acting like you don’t want another pyramid thread.
Lowkey enjoying making another one anyways.

Based Torch.
Alone, he took arms against a sea of bullying, and by opposing ended them.


even better

open this and die


wait a second… the three beginning letters in kuuni’s name is kuu. Kuu is a name, and it’s three letters. Hmmm
WAIT! He also has “953” deaths, those are three digits?!?!?! COINCIDENCE???!?!!!

damn u caught me

you’re underarresteded!