
  1. Votekicks last only 30 minutes. Did you wait at least 30 minutes to make sure your “ban” is not just a votekick?
    It has been over an hour.

  2. What is your in-game player name? Please include it in the subject of this topic as well.

  3. What server were you playing on when you got banned? Reminder: We can only help you with bans that took place on aloha.pk servers.

  4. Why were you banned? Lying severely decreases your chances of getting unbanned. If your “little brother” got you banned, tell him to make an appeal, or accept responsibility on his behalf.
    Said nigger (i want to vomit when typing it now, yep, thats how horrible this word is) and made jokes about black people.

  5. Why should you be unbanned?
    I am a reformed racist who now loves everyone equally, even blacks. Once Jasman banned me, I realized that I have gotten on the wrong track in life and that my parents would be ashamed. Because of this, I ask you for one more chance to show that I am no longer the disgusting racist that I was one hour ago.

Serious: I’ll shut up about black people in the chat, just unban me, there’s fun conversations on the server even though the player count is declining

  1. When were you banned? Best approximate date and time, please.
    One hour ago - Oct 27 13:00

Hey, I’m the one who banned you

4) Why were you banned? Lying severely decreases your chances of getting unbanned. If your "little brother" got you banned, tell him to make an appeal, or accept responsibility on his behalf. Said nigger (i want to vomit when typing it now, yep, thats how horrible this word is) and made jokes about black people.

I just want to clarify you were banned for mute evasion after I gave you multiple chances to stop the racist slurs. I also gave you a warning before the initial mute. Banter is fun on the server but there’s no need to take it that far - the other players stopped and I unmuted them for that but you persisted. It was only a temporary ban and will wear off in about 4-5 hours, understand that next time we may not give you a warning.