Really just really

Apology accepted Anon, let this thread die…

Yeah that was off-topic, Eddy smh I thought you knew better.

I am sorry for my shenanigans/bad behaviour. I look forward to helping the community and that WILL easily get me liked. But one request, do not judge me from the past immature self. I am sorry to all the admins/people who had to put up with me. Sorry to FerrariaFlunker the most because he stayed my friend even though I talked shit to him.

Thanks & Greetings, Ace.

Always. (:

Sir, I regret to inform you, but it appears that we have cloudy with a chance of judgment rolling in on the next cold front.

Ace I have nothing against you(I mean it), just try to keep out of appeals and posting “useless” posts in the trusted applications thread it gets really annoying. (I’ve only said something in those two areas, I get that your trying to help but we have it handled, if you have evidence such as videos and such feel free to post but other wise please just stay out)


Ace, I’ve never paid attention to you before you got banned. I beleive in social reinsertion and I have nothing against you, especially since you apologized for your acts. The subject was closed in my head.

However, reading at all your posts in last weeks, I found out that I’ve never seen anyone talking against you in your back, but I keep reading everywhere that you describe yourself as a victim and that nobody likes you. On facebook, in those forums, no matter where, when people get this “victim” attitude, they usually get to lose a lot of their friends. It’s not YOU that people dislike, it is your attitude. Typically, those “victims” just want to be loved and are hoping that by acting this way, they would receive lovely comments and appreciations or a push in the back… It works with family, but with strangers, it does the opposite of what you’re looking for.

I keep reading different posts from you, where people tell you how to act and how not to act and in everyone of them, you act like the victim and from what I can see, not only do you not learn anything out of these conversations, but you keep repeating that “no one likes me, I just want to help, no one understands me”.

This attitude does not attract any sympathy at all. It just tells me that you got many problems in your personnal life that need to be taken care of and that’s not inside this community that you wil resolve it. Typically, those “victims” are the youngest of families, teased a lot by older brothers while parents are really busy, encouraging you to resolve your issues with your brothers (which is never good as the youngest always gets to lose).

Now, you got 2 choices: either you keep this victim attitude and that will lead you to many chronicle depressions, after losing your friends, your future wife and family or you accept to change when people tell you that your attitude was wrong instead of fighting those recommandations. Life is what you make of it. Negative brings negative. Community means that everybody goes along with the community…

We like when you’re ingame and talk with everyone politely, that’s what we expect from you. No drama. Friendship. Politeness. Respect. You’re a good kid fundamentally, work on your positive sides.

I appreciate your speech, also applause you. I just am like this, I don’t know if I even CAN change. I’ve tried many times, end up where I started. Trying to get attention won’t work, it’s a bad idea, I’m going to put an end to that. Be a polite player, I will become one, I promise you. I just… Just do this because of the incident that happened either one - two years ago… It meant a lot to me, going on IRC boom flooded by crap, going in game boom flooded with crap. It is my fault it’s in aloha I should have never said it here. I apologize once again, I will work to becoming a great player.

Actions will speak louder than words.

I know that