dude yo uarnt in a hacker group

read the whole post before you comment!

do you really want me to call my hacker-mates?
oh man,don’t panicked!!! we are calm,do you want us to be in rage??? we will not threatened you,as long you do not threatened as,relax dude! PrivateX are having a good time in AoS,they said they really love your servers…ALOHA RULES!!! XD

First of all you and dark have very similar sigs (PrivateX Yokai and British investigaror Dark) and second if you were truly in a hacker group, you would know to never admit it on the web because the FBI can use it as evidence. So I think your bluffing. If you are, then I think your implying you were behind the ddos attack.

for ignoring our warnings,we have no choice but to threatened you because you just ignored a GLOBAL SITUATION,I am sure anyone can help but you just ignored them,if your lucky we won’t hack this website if not,this website will be shut down forever!!

the picture translates:

I have warned this website,I said this is a GLOBAL SITUATION that is happening…but I done everything,but they just ignored it…lets hack that website for them to experience this is a GLOBAL situation.

The Group PrivateX,Anonymous,#OccupyPhilippines has issued a strong warning for this website.

These guys are idiots.

What the hell have you been smoking Dark? I swear to my life if Aloha gets hacked I will report you to the FBI in a heartbeat and see you behind bars. To post in Facebook just gave me all the evidence and if you hack i will track down your location and ip address because there are hacks to Facebook you should know if your truly one. You are truly a dumbass.

I give you a 1/10 for getting me to post.


I want you to confirm your identity stackoverflow. Your account was made today. I don’t know if your just dark so prove it.

Just GTHO okay yokai/dark.

What a loser, thinking he’s a hacker. Well, I got some tricks up my sleeve if you want to try me. Panicking? Kids these days. Your call…

Lol, I am a hacker (the good kind though) to. Lets turn this into a hacker war shall we?

I’m no hacker in real life, but I do know some real hacks that can track your location and mess up your computer. It’s nothing that’s hard for anybody to learn but I want dark to know that there are people here that know more than him.

HoboHob i think the term you mean is a white hat hacker, but they work for corporations and government.

I’m somewhat of a hacker.
Granted, my axe is kinda rusty and I haven’t actually chopped down a tree in years…

What does a axe and trees have to do with anything to hacking? (kidding of course)

On another note, I’ve dabbled in that sort of stuff. Does breaking down school-protection to allow you to visit any website count?

That’s close to kiddie-scripting, but sure!

This thread is full of skiddie derp.

IHYR, the previous comment was me trying to imply something about the other “hackers”.

What a liar -_______________________-

You mean the anonymous guys on facebook deleted your comments because they got other things to do than to play around with bored kids who post random stuff on totally unrelevant websites so they feel a little bit important?

Thanx for the entertainment though.

Leaving so soon? Oh, the party just started. What a bummer. Are you afraid? Or did your “hacker group” abandon you? You know what, I dare you to hack my computer. That’s when I show you my real skills. You dont have the guts to hack this website of any other ones.