Nade poll

decoy grenades so people get scared

IMO 1 100% grenade is better than those 3 pitiful fireworks that are on arena right now.

Fix ALL 3 grenades please, not just 1.
3 grenades is what its been and 3 grenades it will stay.
Seriously, i can walk into a wall of grenades and eat them all up and survive.

this thread is started out of context. it’s referring to this reply:

nade damage is being reconsidered for arena only. the percentages mean “of normal 100%” damage.

for the longest time starting from when arena was still very new, nades did only 25% damage on our arena servers, but at some point, maybe a year or so ago, the code that reduced nade damage got replaced, and only within the last couple months has the code been added back.

this poll is really pretty pointless without being able to actually “feel” the specific adjustments in-game and experience how each affects overall gameplay…

arena is totally different than most other game modes. the most obvious; you have to wait for the round to end before respawning. survival is critical.

AoS nades are designed for 512x512 maps, but most arena maps are somewhere around 64x64. the play area is roughly 8 times smaller, which means everyone is forced closer together and more likely to be hit by nades. there are even some maps where you can throw a nade from your spawn into the enemy’s spawn as soon as the gates drop and kill most if not all of the enemy team if nades are at 100% normal damage.

the primary focus in arena is supposed to be strategic gunfire, movement, and timing. normal AoS nades take away from those gameplay elements [in arena] because they have too much “reach” and do too much damage within that reach. arena was inspired by Counter-Strike but normal AoS nades are way more powerful than nades in Counter-Strike. not reducing nade damage in arena makes them overpowered.


Yeah I get what you mean izzy, on avseafort you used to be able to kill the whole enemy team with one well timed grenade. However, at least on bigger maps, like the ones based directly off counterstrike, grenades should not be this useless.

hence the reason for this recent nade damage adjustment discussion. keep in mind that 25% was set way back before any CS map remakes or larger arena maps even existed. map size isn’t the ONLY reason nade damage should be less than normal on arena anyway…

But see… that was a flaw of the map. Even at 25% if people spam nades into each other’s spawns (without the roof fix) you will still have people getting killed “unfairly”. Timing and throwing nades is a whole new skill-set like being a good spader that adds more dimension to arena. I used to think they were dumb and “spammed by noobs” (they definitely can, but they are easy to dodge if it’s thrown by a noob that doesn’t know how to cook them) too until I played against people that actually knew how to use them and then I saw the value in them.

not when a single nade kills the entire team as soon as the gate drops. all you have to do is pull the pin on the nade a few moments before the gate drops and throw it in a general direction towards the enemy base. it’s too easy to do. there’s nothing the enemy can do to defend from that. that’s overpowered.

So, everyone has been playing with 100% grenades untill few months ago?
If yes, can we have that back for at least cs maps server?

it was 25% for the longest time, then 100% for a brief period of time, but 25% again after that until now…

Why dont you stop wasting your time and change nade damage back as it was before? is it that hard?. Its pretty obvious that the majority wants op nades, not just farts that make insignificant damage.


Well, majority of players say 50%, and the average of all 24 voters say about 51%, so… let’s change the nade script already plz.

The roofs that were added to most of the maps solved that problem though .-. I don’t know of any maps you can spam nades from spawn and kill someone when the gate drops on.

I’m hoping that the swing vote comes in and 75% is the new damage level. Deliberate all you want, the damage as it is now is really really really bad. when i can eat grenades like the cookie monster eats vegetables and still have enough hp left to be a smg punching bag its bad. The point of grenades is to be able to kill multiple people with a well placed nade, not almost kill one person by throwing a nade 2 blocks in front of their face. Is 100% grenade damage too op for arena? Yes, it probably is. But 25% or 35% grenade damage is crap. It’s like saying “oh smg too op” and then taking down smg damage. If you don’t like how it is then don’t ruin it for the rest of us. I would be willing to drop the grenade damage to 75% or maybe even 65% because you don’t lose the purpose of half your arsenal and it still helps with the grenade spam. 100% to 25%-35% is way too big of a damage drop.

New poll average still puts preferred nade dmg at 51%, just change it to that plz. (ignore the aug 12 deadline, that was a stupid arbitrary decision). Let’s just have the nade script redone for the arena FSOM.

I think we should try out 50% and then hold another vote. We don’t even know what 50% feels like yet.

I’ve put up a nade testing server. there’s set areas (100%,50%, and 25%) the last one is settable, but it’s at 36% now. TBH the difference between 100% and 75% is miniscule

After using the test server I’m of the opinion that 50% is just about perfect for arena. 100% is over powered and 25% is just crap.

video for those too lazy to use the test server:

insert fart sound at 25%

#Revive the grenade campaign

I personally would want 60% but 50% seems okay. Something needs to be done, players now don’t even fear grenades. I ran around and threw a grenade, and while I was dead I saw guy who killed just sitting there without care, not 3 blocks from where it was. These grenades need to be fixed as soon as possible. The balance of arena has been thrown out of the window, sub machine gun rushers take run and gun to a new level without grenades to at least slightly stifle them. And don’t even get me started on how easy it is for campers, they don’t care how many grenades get thrown in their spots with them, none of them do anything but max 20-25 damage.