my friends was banned while playing with my ip address.

my friends was banned while playing with my ip address and is about 1 year I am banned from your server without any reason for me.
more my friends did not cheat for 6 months and I love your server. (sorry for my bad language im french)

thanks for watch my request

Click Me

Hey, I’ll unban you as long as you promise to never let your ‘friend’ on your computer again and that no cheating will come from your connection again. If you accept, I’ll unban you.

thank you I promise not to cheat but may not believe me this is really my friends

To put it bluntly (and what he really meant): UNBAN IS ONLY ONCE, NOT TWICE

But normally it has not been banned 2 times

I’ll kill my friend because I thought that bannisement was not definitive

