Making a voxel game!

OK, so I decided to make this thread to document me making a voxel game using OpenGL + Rust. The end goal is just to have random terrain generation, for you to be able to fly around the terrain and to break and place blocks. Thats it. And I only plan for a few blocks (Dirt, Grass, Cobble and Water). This will largely be a learning experience for me as I haven't done anything like this :P.

Day 1 (see attached)
Using Glutin and gl-rs, I managed to create a basic version of a voxel world by iterating over an array of integers (where each integer corresponds to a block). Also added a camera and more advanced input system. Right now there is only one block.
Things for next time:

  • Multiple blocks - May be as simple as uploading the right texture to the GPU instead of the cobble one, maybe more i don't know yet.
  • Chunk system - Will probably make them 16x16x256, just like in Minecraft (since that's proven to work)
  • Basic world generation - Using some form of noise algorithm, I will implement basic terrain with different heights, and with random blocks.

Hope to check in again tomorrow!

Looks cool! Good luck on your endeavours!

…And he didn’t check in tomorrow. Ouch.