Kira AoS Ban Appeal

Votekicks last only 30 minutes. Did you wait at least 30 minutes to make sure your “ban” is not just a votekick?


What was your in-game player name when you were banned?


Which AoS server were you playing on when you got banned? Reminder: We can only help you with bans that took place on servers. - Tower of Babel

Why were you banned? Lying severely decreases your chances of getting unbanned.

I was accused of hacking. Although I don’t use this type of thing, unfortunately that day it appears, as you well know, the use on my part. Since I have made everything clear from the last posts, I avail myself of the right to a new appeal after a month, promising that it will never happen again

Why do you think you should be unbanned?

Because I was sincere, because I apologize to you again for what happened

When were you banned? Best approximate date and time, please.


Hi @Kira, are you able to clarify what you mean in the “Why were you banned” portion of your appeal? I don’t understand if you’re denying or admitting that you were cheating.

I’m admitting I cheated

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Hello, is there any news?

Thanks for confirming, I appreciate you finally being honest with me. I have another question, why did you evade your ban multiple times after you were instructed in your earlier appeal that evading would result in further consequences?

as mentioned in previous posts, unfortunately it was my neighbor who is a friend of mine with my name. But I can’t help but assume my complete responsibility. Apologizing.
I noticed how much work goes into the whole game and also the commitment. So sorry again.

You said in your previous appeal that your neighbor was the one who was cheating but we’ve established that it was you. Is it safe to assume that it was also you evading your ban?

Yes, it was me unfortunately, as also stated in the last topic, because my neighbor uses the same network as me, and I found it unfair that because of something he did I can no longer play.
However, as said before, the responsibility falls on me, I apologized. I would like to play again. In all the years I’ve been playing it I’ve never bothered anyone

Thanks Kira, I’m willing to unban you as it seems like you genuinely regret cheating and again I’m glad you were finally honest with me. Please remove any cheats/hacked clients from your computer and let me know when you’ve done so.

I suggest completely redownloading a fresh client from the list of clients here: AoS Clients - community.

Thank you for your clemency and availability!
I confirm everything has been removed and the client is the latest updated! However, I tried to log in but I am still banned

Thanks for confirming. You weren’t able to join because I was waiting for your confirmation before removing your ban. I’ve now removed your ban and you should be able to join our servers again.

I look forward to seeing you in game :slight_smile:

adesso riesco ad accedere perfettamente.
Non vedo l’ora di giocare!

Grazie ancora :slight_smile:


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