I_snort_abestos AoS Ban Appeal

Votekicks last only 30 minutes. Did you wait at least 30 minutes to make sure your “ban” is not just a votekick?


What was your in-game player name when you were banned?


Which AoS server were you playing on when you got banned? Reminder: We can only help you with bans that took place on aloha.pk servers.


Why were you banned? Lying severely decreases your chances of getting unbanned.

I was supposedly griefing but i was confused i didnt know what i was doing i was trying to placde blocks but my mouse was screwing up so yeah.

Why do you think you should be unbanned?

My brother gumbo is mad at me for getting banned because my ip is our wifi so he cant play it anymore if he doesnt use a vpn

When were you banned? Best approximate date and time, please.


I do not see any bans against your IP address. The in game name was disabled from building during a game but that was temporary. Is your brother getting a banned message? if so are they using a vpn/proxy?

yes they got banned whenever he would go on aloha.pk it would say he was banned

they have to use a vpn now but before that he didnt

Hi @i_snort_abestos, I was the admin that banned you for griefing and rejoining to circumvent my attempts to disable your ability to dig/build. The ban was only for one day and has expired now, it looks like you were able to join earlier without a VPN so I’m assuming this is no longer an issue?

A note for the future: please don’t grief, please don’t rejoin when your dig/build priv is disabled and please don’t use a different IP address to evade your bans as it can often lead to additional/longer bans.

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