Fill out this template as you’re making a ban appeal.
#1) Wait 20-30 mins in case you were votekicked.
If you fail to follow this step, I’ll personally extend your ban. ~Reki
#2) Please specify your ign (in game name).
right now my ign is The Outlaw, when banned it was AnnalDecomposer
#3) Server you were playing on when you got banned.
Note: we only deal with servers here. 1ctf 24/7 pinpoint
#4) Reason for ban (please be truthful)
Don’t lie, it severely decreases your chances. (Example 1 | Example 2)
i just take down a structure form my team, and a really tiny one like 5 cubes high and 5 wide
#5) Reason why you should be appealed.
i´been playing this all year long, and i think that i was kick because something little fool, i´m sorry and i´ll make sure not being such a jerk again.
#6) Date and time (approx).
« Last Edit: November 23, 2012, 06:15:58 PM HST by Reki »
11/12/2012 it was (i think) around 11:00pm to 12:00am
i am really thankfull for your time. (excuse my english, i still in practice)