AVuKYI2R3, you shouldn’t become a trusted player if you votekicked people for not speaking english. That isn’t any good reason because everyone, no matter what country they come from and no matter what language they speak, have a right to play on Aloha.
Hey, G33K jjlilcrash here, I mainly play on babel and hallway. I want a pass because people sometimes accuse me of
being an aimbotter or one time someone actually tried to votekick me for “not being christen”
Guys, you shouldn’t be saying nothing else instead of applying, PXYC you are aloud, but you do not have a choice to tell who gets one and who doesn’t you may have a opinion but overall you don’t have a choice, You should not post other than applying for one. or for the people who are the moderators of this forum, and izzy.
For your information, I am a moderator of this forum. Who the hell do you think sorts through the applications and approves them/moves them to the correct area of the forums? It doesn’t happen automagically, I’ll tell you that.
I’m interested in a trusted password. I’ve applied for Guard but until such a time as I’m accepted (on denied, in which case I’ll be looking for a trusted p/word anyway,) I’d like to stop myself being votekicked for “aimbotz” and the like.
Hello, Aloha people. My name in-game is Carnage, and I’m conveniently on the Aloha servers. With that being said… I’m needing a trusted password.
I would like a trusted password because whenever I was on the server previously today with Defaulter (DE) and Valor (Valor), there was a votekick initialized on me for the reason of “stupid and gay”. The fact that I didn’t even do anything is the funny part. And to make matters worse, the same person initialized a votekick against me for the reason of “griefing”, when I was taking the other team’s tower down in Babel. It’s not right, especially when noob-ish people go along with the votekick and just vote yes, without knowing who it’s on, or for what reason it’s occurring.
I’m most commonly on Aloha 1ctf 24/7 Pinpoint, Aloha Tower of Babel, and Aloha 1rctf 24/7 Hallway.
I hope you can see my reasons as to requesting this application. No one likes to be votekicked for no legitimate reason, especially when you didn’t do a thing. Thanks for reading.
Hi izzy-
Im {IISOD}Tobi9sc,can you make me a trusted account?Hmm i think aloha.pk r1ctf 24/7 hallway cause my sister likes Hallway also me.And sometimes there are player that votekicking me for using Aimbot,they just votekick me and they didnt see my ratio,so please make me a trusted account.
I want a trusted password because there are always false accusations of me “aimbotting” when I don’t,And it just seems unfair for me to get kicked for something I don’t do. My IGN is [TSB] Eddie