FSOM - Halloween - 2 Nov 2013

[shadow=black,right]FSOM - Halloween[/shadow]
Thanks to everyone who participated!

Saturday 2 Nov 2013, 3PM GMT
Times Worldwide: http://goo.gl/23IAbh
Server: http://aos075.aloha.pk:37886/
Reserve Your Seat Here!

Hello Aloha PKers! We invite you all to FSOM - Halloween!

Because Halloween ran so close to November’s First Saturday of the Month event, we decided to make a Halloween-themed event.

The game mode will be Humans vs. Zombies, with (probably) a custom map.

Humans vs. Zombies is a classic CTF game mode with a major twist: The green team are zombies and are unable to use weapons. However, they have increased health, and the ability to jump several blocks up in the air by right clicking with the spade. Blue team is composed of human players who can use all the traditional weapons, however, you’ll need several more shots than normal to kill a zombie!

The game time is very Euro-friendly this time, so everyone in the EU and those east, sign up! Reply to this thread (or click Reserve Your Seat above) and join us on November 2nd!

Like every FSOM event, team comradery is important, so most communication will take place over Mumble. For details on installing mumble, click the spoiler below (it’s really easy). We’ll definitely be splitting the mumble chat into teams this time, so be a team player and join us on mumble!

Even if you don’t have a mic, or don’t wish to speak, please install mumble anyway. This way you can at least hear our communications. The installation will be even easier.

Mumble Info

Mumble can be downloaded here:

Download the client software on the right side of the screen. Installation is pretty simple, as there’s a wizard when you first start the application to help you set up your mic and audio.

I highly recommend using a button to activate it, rather than having your mic turn on automatically when it picks up noise. This is especially true for laptop users or those using a webcam w/ mic. You’ll have this option towards the end of the wizard (my push-to-talk is set to mouse button 5, your scroll button (click, not scroll) is also free in aos for you 3 button mouse owners).

If you choose to do push-to-talk, keep your threshold rather low (so that it’s easier to pick up sounds), this means your blue part of the meter should be small. If instead you are using auto-detect, be sure to keep your threshold toward the high end, or else the rest of us will pick up your game and background noise, which can get quite irritating, especially with 16 people.

Once you’ve setup your microphone, click the picture of the world icon. Then click “Add New” and enter the following:

Label: Aloha
Address: Mumble.aloha.pk
Port: 64738 (unchanged)
Username: Your username. Please stick to your most common username, as after you register, you’ll never get to change it.

For more detailed mumble setup information, check out this post here: http://aloha.pk/index.php?topic=3721.msg34375#msg34375

Once you’re connected, double click on Aloha to put you in that channel. On the event day there will be channels for Blue and Green team.

For details on this event, please contact this event’s coordinator: Thufman. For reserving your spot or choosing a team, simply post in this thread or contact myself.

Please try to be on mumble 15 minutes prior to the event. Thanks!




Below is a table with team selections. Please understand that the people listed below have priority. If you’re in the server and everyone shows up, and you don’t have a spot, we will have to kick you unfortunately. If you wish to be a part of this event, please reply, and optionally include a team preference. Thanks!

[td]# [/td][td]Humans [/td][td]Zombies [/td][td]Unspecified[/td]
[td][/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td]
[td]1[/td][td]Chase UC [/td][td]ei8htx [/td][td]A White Guy [/td]
[td]2[/td][td]Apocalyptic [/td][td]Color [/td][td]ThePhD* [/td]
[td]3[/td][td]Jedelas [/td][td]Shywolf91/Dylan* [/td][td]Cpt. Derp* [/td]
[td]4[/td][td]PewDiePie [/td][td]CrazyMonky [/td][td]Asian Guy [/td]
[td]5[/td][td]Mr. Stark [/td][td]Scipio [/td][td] [/td]
[td]6[/td][td]Bloxxer25052LP [/td][td]MaddyBear [/td][td] [/td]
[td]7[/td][td]Hal [/td][td]Taesun [/td][td] [/td]
[td]8[/td][td]Kodiak [/td][td]DeadSeason [/td][td] [/td]
[td]9[/td][td]Ankie [/td][td]Silnius [/td][td] [/td]
[td]10[/td][td]Insanity Wolf [/td][td]Caillou [/td][td] [/td]
[td]11[/td][td] [/td][td]PokeyzRule [/td][td] [/td]
[td]12[/td][td] [/td][td]tyetoocute [/td][td] [/td]
[td]13[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td]
[td]14[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td]
[td]15[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td]
[td]16[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td]


*Persons in Unspecified who wish to join Green, pending enough Blue players

I’ll be on the zombie team


I’m in, nice it’s EU friendly this time! :wink:

EDIT: You can put me in green this time.

Holy crap, 2am over here so I won’t be able to make it

Zombies !!!

Sorry. If it’s any consolation it’s 8am where I am.

Haha no problem :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow. The day that I start going to work again. Fuck my life.

I can make it
idc which team

Put me on human maybe team, 11AM NYC time is kinda early

might be able to make it. put me on the zombies team pls. thanks

Would love to come to the event, sign me up for Zombies Team.

Click for details

is there a way to make aos work better for windows8? :slight_smile:

Sign me up! I’ll be a zombie ~DeadSeason

Humans would be nice for me, even though I’m better as a zombie. Hehe

Im in. I’ll be a human :stuck_out_tongue:

Put me as zombie :smiley: i will normally be here;

And what is the map choosen ?


Sign me up as a human.

I’ve been working on a modified Beaul Abby map (from infiltration). There’s also some talk of Swag2 from Babel.

Lol, Stark.