FSOM - Halloween - 2 Nov 2013

The stuff zombie maps need: lots of trees and high ground (for zombies to sneak into human base), lots of straight lines: (for humans to use as a ground for outmaneuvering zombies), water damage(so humans cant use water as a cheap path)

I nominate pinnacle2 or darkfort

I would like to be on the team of zombies, but the team doesn’t matter.

I might be able to make it, but I will have to leave half an hour into the event, but if I do go, I’ll be on ze zombiez team :slight_smile: #Spade2Gud

8)I be a human! 8)

are there squads or superbuild available?

Details are still being worked out.

I believe it’s supposed to be pretty close to the way Zombies is now.

There shouldn’t be squads for humans though or that would just make it kinda op:L

For the zombies, right? Lol.

Have a bunch of humans spawn simultaneously with spade-wielding zombies a block away and see what happens…

I wanna be on the zombie team :slight_smile:

I will make LetsPlay! :stuck_out_tongue: Can i make that in this event? ???

Sure, go for it. Just make sure you’re on Mumble too so you can capture it all.

This server little scary! Blood,super jump and impossible to kill zombies… What the hell i am say! This server is awesome! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:



I would like to be on ze humans team, IGN: Hal
This looks pretty fun, made an account just to sign up :3

Glad to have you aboard! You as well, bloxxer. Welcome to aloha.

The timing of this event corresponds exactly with the timing of LINES vs Forums IV Zombies, so I’ve decided to postpone the timing of LINES vs Forums by an hour so that it occurs at 4pm UTC/GMT rather than 3 to reflect this - players participating in both events should be aware of this. [EVENT] LINES vs Forums IV - Aaah, Zombies! TIME NOW 4PM UTC - Build and Shoot

Anywho, seeing as I’ll be up late for our event anyway I’d like to participate, put me in for the Humans team. If there’s any extra spots on the day (I doubt it) I’ll poke my clan members hanging around to come join in too. I may have to leave at some point to go set up our server, though :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks! :stuck_out_tongue: 8) ;D :smiley: :slight_smile:

Awesome, Kodiak, I really appreciate it. I didn’t realize it until the other day when Color pointed it out.

What is this blasphemy!? less people on humans than on zombies!?