FSOM - First Saturday of the Month Event - Aloha Push - 5 Oct 2013

Thanks to everyone who participated!

Saturday 5 OCT 2013, 10PM GMT
Times Worldwide: Event Time Announcer - Aloha First Saturday of the Month Event
Server: http://aos075.aloha.pk:49886/
Reserve Your Seat Here!

In the spirit of the last Mumble/Babel event, we’re starting a new monthly event to be held every first Saturday. This one will be 10pm GMT (to make it slightly easier on Eastern Europe this time)

The hope of this particular event is to increase interest in one of our game modes, so that it can hopefully keep a good population and remain near the top of BnS’s server list even after the event is over. The admins decided this event will be Push. This will be the same Aloha Push server live now.

For those of you who haven’t played, in Push, your team starts on an island with the enemy’s intel. It’s your teams objective to build across to the island which has both team’s tents. However, you’ll be in shooting distance (and parallel to) the enemy team which is trying to do the exact same thing. You’ll try and build to the next island while shooting down the bridges the enemy team is making. First to capture 10 points wins.

There are several maps to choose from, and I’m allowing everyone 2 Votes. This way you can vote for your backup as well. The maps are listed in the spoiler below (yes, I screwed up and clipped the top of some):

Map Selection

Bikini Atoll










Isle Hop


Lost Islands


Orbit Push


Swamp Lands


The Straight


Also, like the last event, team comradery is important, so most communication will take place over Mumble.

It can be downloaded here:

Download the client software on the right side of the screen. Installation is pretty simple, as there’s a wizard when you first start the application to help you set up your mic and audio.

I highly recommend using a button to activate it, rather than having your mic turn on automatically when it picks up noise. This is especially true for laptop users or those using a webcam w/ mic. You’ll have this option towards the end of the wizard (my push-to-talk is set to mouse button 5, your scroll button (click, not scroll) is also free in aos for you 3 button mouse owners).

If you choose to do push-to-talk, keep your threshold rather low (so that it’s easier to pick up sounds), this means your blue part of the meter should be small. If instead you are using auto-detect, be sure to keep your threshold toward the high end, or else the rest of us will pick up your game and background noise, which can get quite irritating, especially with 16 people.

Once you’ve setup your microphone, click the picture of the world icon. Then click “Add New” and enter the following:

Label: Aloha
Address: Mumble.aloha.pk
Port: 64738 (unchanged)
Username: Your username. Please stick to your most common username, as after you register, you’ll never get to change it.

For more detailed mumble setup information, check out this post here: http://aloha.pk/index.php?topic=3721.msg34375#msg34375

Once you’re connected, double click on Aloha to put you in that channel. On the event day there will be channels for Blue and Green team.

Even if you don’t have a mic, or don’t wish to speak, please install mumble anyway. This way you can at least hear our communications. The installation will be even easier.

Finally, if you wish to be on a specific team, please reply to this thread and indicate it (if you’re looking at this from the front page, click comments below). Team seats go first come first serve. If you don’t care, we’ll place you as needed (you don’t need to choose a team to be guaranteed a seat in the event). Staff members, please try not to congregate all on one team.

Please try to be on mumble 15 minutes prior to the event. Thanks!



Below is a table with team selections. Please understand that the people listed below have priority. If you’re in the server and everyone shows up, and you don’t have a spot, we will have to kick you unfortunately. If you wish to be a part of this event, please reply, and optionally include a team preference. Thanks!

[td]# [/td][td]Blue [/td][td]Green [/td][td]Unspecified[/td]
[td][/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td]
[td]1[/td][td]Colorpinpoint [/td][td]ei8htx [/td][td]Scipio [/td]
[td]2[/td][td]Pingu [/td][td]Caprex [/td][td]MonstaRules [/td]
[td]3[/td][td]Ankie [/td][td]Shywolf91/Dylan* [/td][td]SnIpEr [/td]
[td]4[/td][td]Caillou1399 [/td][td]Froelich131 [/td][td]Yoda842 [/td]
[td]5[/td][td]Eddie [/td][td]Seal [/td][td] [/td]
[td]6[/td][td]CrazyMonkey [/td][td]Get’n Gay w/Kid [/td][td] [/td]
[td]7[/td][td]Timi [/td][td]DeadSeason [/td][td] [/td]
[td]8[/td][td]Kynjer/Spring/Charles/Chappy II [/td][td]Orange Deuce [/td][td] [/td]
[td]9[/td][td] [/td][td]Anonymous/Lone_Wolf [/td][td] [/td]
[td]10[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td]
[td]11[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td]
[td]12[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td]
[td]13[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td]
[td]14[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td]
[td]15[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td]
[td]16[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td]


Islehop and Icebreak :wink:

Yes, don’t vote for Icebreak, you couldn’t see chat :frowning:
I wanna be green

I would like to be on green. But if needed I would go to blue.

If I can come…I’ll be green or blue (if needed)

Also should guards/mods/admin use their forum names or can we use any alias we want?

For the events we want to stick to our most common name. You have a common IGN which is different from your forum, so I don’t think either is a problem.

Erm, monsta, is that a preference for green? Or you’re saying you’ll be either if needed?

Can I show up at 6:30 EST? (11:30 GMT) I come back from somewhere and I desperately want to play in this push match.

Yea, sure

Not that we would use global chat anyways.

Wow, it’s actually 10pm GMT. I thought setting the city to Greenwich would make the time right, but apparently not.

That said, the actual countdown time has not changed. The calendar I linked is still the same and the time we’re all going by.

Nice, I can actually play this Saturday. Prefer to be a part of my “three mumblemigos” but if blue needs players come game time, I will go there…

I’ll come and I’ll be blue because I asked my friend blue or green and he said blue

Not sure if I will make it, but I’ll be on Blue if I do get around.

Depends if i have time, ill go what ever team monsta is on


EDIT: Fucking serious? thats 12 pm!


Almost every event seems to be made so that US players can make it to the event, while no one gives a damn about Europeans. The latest aloha vs forums match was somewhat EU unfriendly since the event started at 11 pm for us (10pm for Brits). I’d participate if only it wasn’t at such a late time. Either make it 9pm GMT or 8pm GMT or else a lot of EU players will not be able to make it to event (like me).

Ill play around with time zones when i get time to help find a good time(pref moring for us) and afternoon for the other side of the world