False ban

  1. i got kicked often and. i haven’t been playing for a while since my router have been broken for a week, and i think this i’ll be able to connect to my home internet soon. this was week ago but i’m sure it said ‘‘banned’’ for at least one hour

  2. latest deuce

  3. aloha something don’t remember

  4. autism staff

  5. i approve with and have read your rules carefully and haven’t done anything that’s against them. if the false ban isn’t gone remove it immediately.

  6. about a week ago, can’t remember exactly

Hi Deuce 2,

Unfortunately, we are more than confident that you are Hendrix on a new account. This appeal will not change the outcome of your previous ban appeal, and any other accounts that you decide to create in the future will be immediately deleted (fyi).

You are welcome to hop onto the aloha Discord to discuss if you feel like this is a mistake. I would usually continue this conversation in this appeal, but Hendrix has a tendency to create a mess in the ban appeals section. I probably don’t need to tell you that, though.

you can think that, but if you have no concrete proof you can’t do anything. and the appeal you linked to are not mine either. also i don’t use discord. however, the ban is false so you will have to remove it if that haven’t been done already. i can’t check myself since i’m using a phone

I admire your confidence, but I’m hurt that you think I’m that stupid.

also how did a player that hacked and abused multiple times get admin status?

edit: as you can see in the link http://aloha.pk/index.php?topic=3852.0 and his following appeals

If your question is intended in search of advice, then my best suggestion would be to start being honest. :wink:

noo ferrari cheated 8 years ago
please demote asap >:(

Click for details

este es tu idolo?

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