Expanding into new frontiers (Games)

So, I read a great topic on this forum page. It was by Monstarules, and here is the link if you are interested: http://aloha.pk/index.php?topic=9342.100. It talks about many of Aloha’s flaws and possibilities to maybe improve it, and prevent the looming death of this forum as rapidly. As of right now, I believe we should attempt to promote our site by expanding into new and different games. I believe once we grow a larger community, we may have the ability to weed out all of the internal issues. I understand that I have only been an official member for virtually a month now, but I already have grown an interest to this form, as well as Build n Shoot / OpenSpades. That alone is the main reason why I made an account on this forum. However, I feel we should do what we did to people such as myself, but possibly in new game frontiers. Sadly, I am not sure what games we can expand into, nor do I have enough experience to properly promote it. I hope that my opinion has simply been read and taken into account, since that is all I really want to get from this post. I thank you for reading this as well.

Your fellow member,

I put too much effort into it already, but there is slow expansion to other games happening. The problem? A lot of people here don’t have good computers. I’ve said it before, I have a very nice graphics card and I still play AoS on the rare occasion. However, some people in this community don’t really have anything but AoS to play because their computers aren’t good enough to play anything but AoS. This is also an international community and there are some people who may not even be able to get the parts to upgrade or build a better PC because of price gouging. I really think that the real reason that Aloha don’t want to expand is because there are enough people playing AoS with a decent computer, and the first chance they get at a better game hosted by Aloha, they might just up and forget about it. That’s a non-existent problem, plenty of people still play AoS and this is one of the AoS high points right now that we are rolling into.

Let’s talk about the Minecraft server, when it was well, functioning correctly. I’d like to say everyone who played it with frequency played AoS a lot less, like almost 70% less of the time. Including the MC server head admin. There are some users who ONLY used the Minecraft server too, and when asked if they wanted to play AoS they basically said “Fuck no”. During that time a lot of newer people showed up in the community and got some time to shine since some of the players on the MC server were very good AoS players, such as: Monduu, asianguy, Torch, Punchdance, FerrariFlunker, TwoDayUDie, israellee, Chappy, Techno and Lone_Wolf. I really thought that it brought more variety to the community. Expansion was a good thing, and it sucks that the MC server got really slow and miserable. What really killed it was a charged creeper farm that someone built. We had almost 10 fully functioning mob farms, I personally had one myself, but when the charged creeper farm was erected by one of the players, almost like, 1k creepers hung around never de-spawning. The server is still there but it is ridiculously laggy.

If we do the minecraft server again we just need to start over with a clean, updated world. The old file is a lag generating graveyard. It’s summer so it’s the minecraft season.