[Event] July FSOM- Pinpoint Tournament!

That’s why.
I thought ,I overslept. ::slight_smile:

lol ok staff we will wait for a cool solution :smiley:


Who won in Round 1?
It’s not my mom, 8x.

After some close consideration with the staff, we have decided that this tournament, unfortunately, won’t work out. There were some key organization details that we left out, and some of the teams are unresponsive. That being said, if you want to hold a friendly match to see who’s team is better, we’d be more than happy to organize and host it. Posting here, on this thread, would be the best way to let us know that you want to play a match.

That being said, we have something special planned for next month! You, the community, will decide on a gamemode to play. There will be a slight twist to it, so make sure it’s one that you enjoy :smiley:

There is a new poll at the top of this page. Vote now!

Why no spadewars and no zombies :frowning:

PS Vote for Blockpower or arena plz.

The twist we have in plan won’t exactly work with those gamemodes, along with some others.

Tbh, if we’re gonna have an arena, it ought to be allmaps or top10s, arenacs gets some nice traffic these days.

If any of the really popular servers win, then a private, secondary server will be set up for the event. Also, I’ll see to it that the other arena servers are added to the poll asap.

Arena gogogo
cs maps bois

Arena tops plz

All of the top10 maps are on the Arena All Maps server, so you can vote for that. :slight_smile:

Arena all maps bois

I’m going for all maps :wink:

hallway ftw xD

Click for details

arena is for nubs xD…[details=Click for details]arena is my second choice xD [details=Click for details]Ferrari is a nub go rolls royce[/details][/details]

I love Babel :-*

No tennis

Lets hit it up young bloods

Added all remaining gamemodes to poll :open_mouth:
Added FFAX to see if we can convince Danko to bring it back.

Didnt add cgen coz ctf is already there, and didnt add race or build coz the event hoster seems to be only interested in fighting gamemodes.i

Plz vote for Humans Vs Zombies.