
Hellscyth, AKA Daniel, came in with a friend using an aimbot. The Alluhakbar guy was spewing racist shit for an hour before all of this happened. If you search the forums, there are other Daniels who have been kicked for hacks.

You may want to ban the whole IP subnet in order to stop him.

As long as I'm on the topic, the Aloha server is not configured correctly. You have the default 30 minutes for AFK- that's the fucking DEFAULT SETTING. Who the fuck leaves the AFK set to 30 minutes???

The other problem is, you allowed Hellscyth to do the following:

  1. He owned the server for about 2 hours. No mod, no admin came to ban him.
  2. He brags about how he will be banned, and it's ok since he can easily get around.
  3. He knows that you will never adjust your aimbot detection correctly and that the admin here is a noob. So he will just come back and run the server again with his aimbot.
  4. He was laughing at how easy it was to aimbot. Nobody will remove him.
  5. He probably came in with a friend because he told him how easy it was to be racist and stupid on this server, but nobody will do anything about it.
  6. Your votekick ratio is also set at the default, which is very stupid. You have to CHANGE THE SCRIPTS FILE so it works better- or did you also use the default password too?

Files to modify so aimbot noobs won't own your server anymore:
votekick.py  ← duh, you change the default ratio
    Votekick.ban_duration = config.get('votekick_ban_duration', 120.0)
    Votekick.public_votes = config.get('votekick_public_votes', True)
    required_percentage = config.get('votekick_percentage', 25.0)

HEADSHOT_SNAP_ANGLE = 45.0  ← try this. If it makes false positives than raise it by 5. Not rocket science

Duh, not 30 minutes. 10 or 15 minutes but not fucking 30 minutes. Jesus.

Finally, you can block words. If somebody is being racist idiot then you can censor those words and even kick them for saying it more than 2-3 times.




We can not ban the player without hard evidence at this moment. I would advise you to follow below link instruction how to catch the cheater.


Hope this would help.


Thanks Nathan, but can we get the admin to commit to fixing the configuration of the server so this won’t be an ongoing problem anymore?

Let’s all remember that catching the aimbot noobs is the responsibility of the SERVER ADMIN, not me, not the other players. This is why your server is plagued by cheaters.

Whenever SERVER ADMIN or staffs are not around. Then you can record him and post here, someone will ban him later.

Hope this would help.


Here are two points, know how to differentiate between someone who knows how to play and between someone who is cheating, I personally went to observe [CLAN] Hellscyth(francis) player around for about 15 minutes and I did not see anything strange in it, but as nathan said Previously if you suspect someone can follow the corresponding steps of the [guide] pubovl and report.

The staff members are not 100% available because? Because everyone has a life and things to do and not specifically we must be all day detecting hackers or cheaters, we are all volunteers here do not pay us to help but we can help in the short time.

We trust and appreciate that the players help us by reporting and will always be received in a good way.

He was hacking. He was using the aimbot lowkey for a while, then he just shamelessly went full on and if you don’t have good eyesight, then I will explain the screenshot above shows his score as nearly 350. I left the game so maybe he ended with much more. CHECK THE LOG FILES MAYBE?

The staff members are not 100% available because? Because everyone has a life and things to do and not specifically we must be all day detecting hackers or cheaters, we are all volunteers here do not pay us to help but we can help in the short time.

Yes, that’s fine but they also must learn how to configure a game server. Too many of the scripts are using the defaults because they didn’t understand how to fix them. I wonder if the password is the default too since everything else is.

We trust and appreciate that the players help us by reporting and will always be received in a good way.

Yes, very nice of course but you ask us all to do too much work. You see I am not a mod? Do you see my status? Here I have given you screenshot evidence and you can see the log files yourself but instead you ask me to install some shitty software and take this time? Oh, I have a life too.

Right now the aimbot noob is laughing with his friend and they are going to do this again and again. Same pattern.

Hi Taki,

I’ll try to address most of your main points.

You provided no evidence against the apparent hacker. A screenshot of a player with 359 kills does not count as sufficient evidence. Also, we do not have log files that give us the amount of kills each player has at any given point. That would be excessive and I don’t even want to begin to imagine how big that file would be.

There have been multiple instances on the forum where the afk script has come into question. Here’s another example that suggests that the default time is ten minutes… Which also suggests that our scripts aren’t just “using the defaults”. Along with the community threads, even though you can’t see them, there have been staff discussions that have resulted in a conclusion for a 30 minute afk limit.

I’d say the votekick system is broken in the way that innocent people are constantly being banned for nonsense reasons. The ratio that it’s set at now, though, provides somewhat of a balance between hackers and innocent players.

It seems to me like you are assuming everything regarding what action was being taken to admin the server, and also how the server is setup to deal with cheaters…

You didn’t provide any evidence, you assumed quite a bit about how aloha runs their servers, and you didn’t exactly write your topic/responses with respect and kindness in mind. I hope you realize why this abuse report won’t result in a ban or any major script changes.

[quote author=Taki link=topic=9762.msg87573#msg87573 date=1501119819]
Hellscyth, AKA Daniel, came in with a friend using an aimbot. The Alluhakbar guy was spewing racist shit for an hour before all of this happened. If you search the forums, there are other Daniels who have been kicked for hacks.

As long as I’m on the topic, the Aloha server is not configured correctly. You have the default 30 minutes for AFK- that’s the fucking DEFAULT SETTING. Who the fuck leaves the AFK set to 30 minutes???

The other problem is, you allowed Hellscyth to do the following:

Is player [CLAN] Hellscyth, I tell you it is not hack. This person has a lot of experience in playing and is the most professional of the server. Look at the top to see that you are equibocado, (I respect your right to say).

  1. He owned the server for about 2 hours. No mod, no admin came to ban him.

[quote author=Yankarlos205 link=topic=9762.msg87593#msg87593 date=1501185225]

Hellscyth, AKA Daniel, came in with a friend using an aimbot. The Alluhakbar guy was spewing racist shit for an hour before all of this happened. If you search the forums, there are other Daniels who have been kicked for hacks.

As long as I'm on the topic, the Aloha server is not configured correctly. You have the default 30 minutes for AFK- that's the fucking DEFAULT SETTING. Who the fuck leaves the AFK set to 30 minutes???

The other problem is, you allowed Hellscyth to do the following:

Is player [CLAN] Hellscyth, I tell you it is not hack. This person has a lot of experience in playing and is the most professional of the server. Look at the top to see that you are equibocado, (I respect your right to say).

  1. He owned the server for about 2 hours. No mod, no admin came to ban him.

And there is the hacker, or the hacker’s friend, here to defend those 350 kills. Well, aimbot noobs now own the server because admins don’t know how to configure the scripts. That’s kind of funny, but mostly sad.

So which one of you banned me? FerrariFlunker? Nathan?

I’m helping you identify misconfiguration. Normally, you would be paying me for this service. Do you ban everybody who gives you free advice?

you’re mistaken in pretty much everything you’ve said in this thread.
francis is a long-time player and very good at the game, not a cheater. having a lot of kills doesn’t indicate cheats at all. our server setup is pretty extensively modified from what pyspades is by default, and i know this because i’ve done a lot of that modification. there’s no misconfiguration - our settings have been chosen deliberately. in several cases where pyspades hasn’t offered a choice that fit what we wanted, we’ve changed it so that it does. your “i am right, you are wrong, no room for argument” approach generally won’t get you very far when you have no idea what you’re talking about.

your ban is unrelated to this

I don’t know for sure it was Francis- the guy only said he was francis. However, his racist friend called him Daniel. I don’t know why you guys are protecting hackers, I really don’t. You literally are protecting people who hack and banning people who identify problems the server configuration. That’s very insecure. The aimbot2.py and afk.py are so easy to fix too. It would prevent all sorts of cheaters and griefers.

I think before you come to complain about someone or complain about the servers, you should see yourself and the way you act, the attitude you are taking does not seem right to me.

Seeing your answer, I can only say that the most funny and ironic thing here is that you complain about hackers or possible hackers and you end up being one of them.

if I remember correctly this is not the first time, previously you have already been banned by one of the bots.

First, no I was not banned by a bot. Second, I’m just trying to help the server. There is no reason people should aimbot and then brag about it to others, and invite their friends to spam chat with racist remarks.

i do know it was francis. i am also as sure as i can be without actually having been there that he wasn’t cheating, even if you think he was. he’s a great player.

your suggested change to aimbot2.py doesn’t really make sense. how could someone snap 2.5 times? even if it did, aimbot2 doesn’t ban on our servers - only raises warnings for us to check people.
the two automatic triggers for bans that we do have are handled by another script, and although we’re pretty highly confident that it won’t meet a ban condition on a false positive, the bans are short. we very heavily lean towards manual review being required for a ban. no permanent bans are handed out without manual review by a full admin. fair players should never be banned and allowing a script to decide things leaves too much room for doubt in that area, in our opinion.

our votekick percentage is actually higher than the default (we require more votes) because we don’t want people to be able to kick other people for reasons like “i don’t like him”. votekicks will generally only go through if someone is making the game actually unplayable, which is (imo) the way it should be

your suggested ‘fix’ for the afk kick is a very simple config change, but it’s been discussed more than once and the general consensus has been that 30 minutes is fine as a default. i do personally feel that a bit lower wouldn’t hurt, but it’s not solely my decision or anyone else’s. it’s a matter of opinion

i (and i’m sure other sysadmins) am always open to discussion of server settings with the community, but coming in as a relatively new user and telling us that we don’t know what we’re doing, that we’re doing it wrong, calling us idiots, etc… can you see why that’s not very conducive to a healthy discussion?

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Ok, sure, it’s possible but I look at my log and the K/D ratio is a bit odd and several people attempted to votekick him. We almost had him kicked too! We just needed 1 more. He held the entire server hostage! He was headshotting 3 people within a second and I know that’s not normal. I don’t know if I have the same server as you, but mine has Aimbot2.py. When I look at the defaults, I think it’s crazy! I’m sure the dev team errored on the side of not making false positives but the sysadmins should be testing it with somebody who they know is very good and doesn’t have aimbot. Then you could measure the thresholds. Being able to hold a crack team down and regular players saying he hacks should be suspicious. Also, I checked the chat logs and Francis and Hellscyth both speak Portugese. I guess it is the same person?

your suggested change to aimbot2.py doesn't really make sense. how could someone snap 2.5 times? even if it did, aimbot2 doesn't ban on our servers - only raises warnings for us to check people. the two automatic triggers for bans that we do have are handled by another script, and although we're pretty highly confident that it, the bans are short. we very heavily lean towards manual review being required for a ban. no permanent bans are handed out without manual review by a full admin. fair players should never be banned and allowing a script to decide things leaves too much room for doubt in that area, in our opinion.

Well, as a fair player who was just banned, yes, I agree 100% with you. The other hand is the fair players should be able to play without aimbotters.

our votekick percentage is actually higher than the default (we require more votes) because we don't want people to be able to kick other people for reasons like "i don't like him". votekicks will generally only go through if someone is making the game actually unplayable, which is (imo) the way it should be

If somebody is SO unpopular that everybody wants to kick him, then why not? A fair player might be very racist and so everybody wants to kick him, that seems fair. Even if Francis/Hellscyth is not lowkey aimbotting, then he still ruins the game with 350 kills vs the average person’s 10 kills. :frowning: I think it’s ok for him to be kicked for that. Worse case scenario, he decides to build more next round OR lower the sensitivity of his aimbot. :wink:

your suggested 'fix' for the afk kick is a very simple config change, but it's been discussed more than once and the general consensus has been that 30 minutes is fine as a default. i do personally feel that a bit lower wouldn't hurt, but it's not solely my decision or anyone else's. it's a matter of opinion

Yes, I agree. It’s so high! One time I watched 4-5 players all AFK. The game was useless. If I could go to another server, I certainly would but I just had to wait 30 minutes and hope my team can hold out with the few against the many. I think we just lost instead. lol

I definitely think the same as you in that it should be a bit lower. 15 minutes is not unreasonable. 10 minutes, well… probably it should be 10 but 15 is plenty of time for anybody to use the bathroom, smoke, eat a sammich, whatever.

i (and i'm sure other sysadmins) am always open to discussion of server settings with the community, but coming in as a relatively new user and telling us that we don't know what we're doing, that we're doing it wrong, calling us idiots, etc... can you see why that's not very conducive to a healthy discussion?

I said the racists were idiots, which they are, not admin. I wrote “Finally, you can block words. If somebody is being racist idiot then you can censor those words and even kick them for saying it more than 2-3 times.”

I am sorry for my bad tone. I am frustrated because I see a good server being taken over by toxic players who think they can run the server with their aimbots and racism bs. I also see it REALLY DIFFICULT to submit evidence, but REALLY EASY to lowkey aimbot. This is a terrible balance that I believe only leads to a toxic gaming culture. It’s a fun game and people should be able to play it with friends without all the extra drama and toxicity. The scripts should do all the work for you. If not, then I think the developers ought to know and out to fix them.

Click for details

Francis is a good player, if he wanted to he could pop on the discord and ask us to undo the votekick. The point of votekick is NOT to remove a player who is enjoying the game. While bad votekicks happen it shouldn’t be the norm. That is why we have the ratio set so high in the first place to minimize bad votekicks. I (Most staff and players do as well) really disagree with the mentality “lets ban a player because he is good”. If Francis felt it was necessary to obtain votekick protection all he would do is apply for a trusted position. Secondly, as a person who has spectated Francis in the past I can say with certainty that he is just good at the game. Don’t say that’s because he knows I’m on, the fact is we can can be pretty discrete when needed. Lastly we only mute certain players if we feel it is necessary, and even then it a last resort that has been how we’ve run the servers for a long time. It will most-likely say like that for a long time.

who the fuck is this clown.