
if he was actually doing that, then yeah that’s a bit weird, but could still be realistically explained by lag. 3 in 1.5 is the normal rate, if somebody’s aim is on point. what do you mean by holding the server hostage? it sounds to me like he was just playing the game and your team wasn’t able to deal with it

I don't know if I have the same server as you, but mine has Aimbot2.py. When I look at the defaults, I think it's crazy! I'm sure the dev team errored on the side of not making false positives but the sysadmins should be testing it with somebody who they know is very good and doesn't have aimbot. Then you could measure the thresholds.
honestly, the aimbot snap detection is the least reliable part of the already relatively wonky script. the detection for 15 kills in 20 seconds is definitely a good indicator that someone is going nuts, but still certainly not enough to ban for, and the one for high accuracies similarly will usually let us know something is up, but occasionally triggers for no real reason at all. developing a script to reliably know the difference between good and [i]too[/i] good is pretty hard. even testing with good players just isn't enough on its own, because the networking in aos can play such a huge role in making things look weird.
Being able to hold a crack team down and regular players saying he hacks should be suspicious.
regulars accuse me of cheating all the time. it's pretty difficult to tell a cheater unless you actually spectate them, even if you've been playing the game since it came out
Also, I checked the chat logs and Francis and Hellscyth both speak Portugese. I guess it is the same person?
Well, as a fair player who was just banned, yes, I agree 100% with you. The other hand is the fair players should be able to play without aimbotters.
no question at all. the thing is, i'd much rather let several cheaters play than ban someone for the crime of being too good at a game.
If somebody is SO unpopular that everybody wants to kick him, then why not? A fair player might be very racist and so everybody wants to kick him, that seems fair. Even if Francis/Hellscyth is not lowkey aimbotting, then he still ruins the game with 350 kills vs the average person's 10 kills. :-( I think it's ok for him to be kicked for that. Worse case scenario, he decides to build more next round OR lower the sensitivity of his aimbot. ;-)
i disagree very strongly there. especially in a game as small as this, allowing veteran players to be kicked just because others can't keep up seems ridiculous to me, and so does forcing them to change the way they play to avoid being kicked
Yes, I agree. It's so high! One time I watched 4-5 players all AFK. The game was useless. If I could go to another server, I certainly would but I just had to wait 30 minutes and hope my team can hold out with the few against the many. I think we just lost instead. lol

I definitely think the same as you in that it should be a bit lower. 15 minutes is not unreasonable. 10 minutes, well… probably it should be 10 but 15 is plenty of time for anybody to use the bathroom, smoke, eat a sammich, whatever.

yeah, i pretty much agree there

I said the racists were idiots, which they are, not admin. I wrote "Finally, you can block words. If somebody is being racist idiot then you can censor those words and even kick them for saying it more than 2-3 times."
i was thinking of your in-game chat, where you called us stupid for not muting 1 Legas (who in this case did totally deserve it, but c'mon... we can't be there 100% of the time). chat filters are, for the most part, pretty useless. they're very easy to get around. in gaming it's expected that some people are just there to fuck with others who are more sensitive, but it's a fair point that some things just never need to be said. if we're on the server, we'll generally mute people like 1 Legas who are obviously only there to throw racial slurs around for a reaction, but again it's just not realistic to expect staff to be on the server 24 hours a day.
I am sorry for my bad tone. I am frustrated because I see a good server being taken over by toxic players who think they can run the server with their aimbots and racism bs. I also see it REALLY DIFFICULT to submit evidence, but REALLY EASY to lowkey aimbot. This is a terrible balance that I believe only leads to a toxic gaming culture. It's a fun game and people should be able to play it with friends without all the extra drama and toxicity. The scripts should do all the work for you. If not, then I think the developers ought to know and out to fix them.
i agree that there is a pretty big problem with cheaters, but there has been for over 5 years now. over that time our servers have been able to keep that problem mostly under control. in this case, the dude you thought was cheating wasn't. it's definitely much easier to cheat than to catch a cheater, but there's only so much we can do. aloha servers have always been among the best-moderated servers in my experience (and i've been staff for a lot of different servers), despite not relying on scripts to ban people for us.

i guess fundamentally we just have different views on what anticheat scripts should be doing for a server. to me, they should serve primarily as indicators that someone is worth checking out.
when hit detection is done on the client, relying on server-side scripts to automatically ban people for aimbotting just doesn’t make sense to me. especially in a game where high ping is nowhere near as big a disadvantage as in most others (and in some cases even an advantage) it’s too easy for weird cases to pop up, and what happens when an innocent player is banned by a script? if we trust them to ban then we should continue to trust them in an appeal, and that leaves someone banned when they’ve done nothing wrong - unless they admit to something they didn’t do.
i would personally rather let several cheaters play than ban a single innocent player, and letting a computer decide just isn’t fair. i think the majority of staff here share this opinion

it’s definitely frustrating, but in a game like this where we’ve had no updates in such a long time and cheats have been publicly available pretty much from day 1, there’s not a lot to be done beyond what we already have while being fair to the majority community of fair players.

sorry for the wall of text that ended up way longer than i expected

good input thanks

Hello again
I tell you again that this person is not hacks, and for those who insult you, then do not get into trouble, you have the right to say if it is hacks that is not bad (Thank you).

He is lucky there is even a forum where he can moan.
Gets provided a very popular free server where he can play with top notch competition.
And then comes here to dish out criticism?
Why are you even entertaining yourselves in composing answers to him.
Francis is a legend. As there are many others.
And he hacks himself. lol
That is why I was asking
Who the fuck is this clown? :smiley:

Hey communist

I tell you that it is not bad to tell Francis hacks, because “taki” is a person of this server so you have the right to say whether it is hacks or not.

Hey man,im francis, yes in this day i was playing with this nick,im not aimbot,i applied to get trusted to get the trusted of staffs and some players who hates me so well xD.Sorry for doing the spawnkill or something like this but i think the new players need to see good players,to remember the old times…so sorry and keep playing i don’t want to see this game dying,and i will play forever :wink:

This is true Taki. Even when I used to do things like this, i was targetted by aimbot noobs and banned/muted etc. Corruption exists on this game. You’re a victim just like me. Even now I was auto-muted for saying literally nothing while there are players who spit more racial abuses than me and they aren’t taken care off either. I dont even know why I’m muted, Im guessing it’s a permmute xD

Lol, so typical of you. You still think I hack, so many staff here , tell them to investigate me and see if I hack or not.


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You all seem corrupt “Indian Cook”. I’ll tell you a tip: Not everyone is corrupt XD, no one has ever seen that abused their powers. No one is the victim here! So do not notice the victim in this report.

  1. Is there some kind of community that really protects hackers? Probably, but not this one.
  2. Stop saying “This is why your servers are plagued by cheaters” or something related to that. The Staff also has other things to do in real life.
    3.They know how to configure a game server, you are pretty much the default whiner like almost everything else.
    4.Not a pattern, not a hack or anything. It’s fucking legit.
    5.How can we protect someone that doesnt hack? Because they don’t. We are telling you that he does not hack and you deny it like a feminist thinking all men rape.
    6.No, the hackers or the “aimbot noobs” as you like to call them, do not own the server because they just ruin the fun of others, but there are more kinds of people that ruin the fun of others. Example: You.
    7.I don’t get the part that says " I’m just trying to help the server". Yeah that part, because you’re one of the fucking regulars who spam vk’s and shit.
  3. I’m thinking that this topic is the 4:25 part of Rap God.
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