This event will be hosted on our Build Server with a couple new features:
Our build server has been recently updated, and works like so:
The map is divided into grid sectors:
Grid Sector Image
You can see these on the map by pressing “m” (“n” in OpenSpades). You can go to any sector and claim it, which means only you can build on it. Additionally, you can share this sector with your friends, and they’ll be able to build on it any time they like, even if you’re not around. In this way, you can work together on a project without worrying about someone griefing it when you’re gone.
From the server status page (link at top of first post) you can see what sectors are claimed, and who currently in the server has permission to build where. Put your cursor over the coordinates and it’ll tell you who owns that sector.
Now, in order to claim a sector, you must login. Anyone with a forum account can build: it’s done automatically when you registered on our forums here on If you haven’t registered yet, do so now! There’s no need to apply for trusted or anything like that. Just having a forum account is all you need. When on the server, you simply use:
/login forumname password
/login “my forum name” password
Where forumname is the exact spelling of your forum name here, and your password is the same as well (you can change your in-game password to be different from your forum password under profile > modify profile if you’d like). If your name has spaces in it, just wrap it in “quotation marks”. Example: /login “o hai there” mypass
Once logged in, you’ll have access to the following commands:
This allows you to claim a sector as your own, if it hasn’t been claimed by someone already. You can only claim ONE sector at a time.
This removes your claim. You’ll no longer be able to build on your sector, but you can claim another one. Anyone you shared this sector with will also no longer be able to build on it (although anyone can claim it now).
/share PLAYER
Use this command to share your sector with anyone you’d like currently on the server. They must be logged in, however, to be able to build on your sector. Replace PLAYER with the name of the player you’d like to share with, or just use their # as listed by pressing tab in game. Example: /share ei8htx, or /share #5. Obviously, you must have already claimed a sector to share one.
/unshare PLAYER
Use this to unshare a sector with someone. The player must currently be online on the server. If they’re not online, a work around would be to quickly /unclaim your sector, and then reclaim it. This would make you the only owner, and all persons who were shared before will have lost their privileges.
This command tells you the coordinates of the sector you’re in, and who currently owns it, as well as anyone else the sector is shared with.
Tells you all the sectors currently unclaimed. This may come in handy on event day!
That’s it for all the claiming commands. The build server also includes some very powerful tools from SuperCoolBuild, which you may have seen on You can do things like rising platforms, switches, and locking doors. Check out a more in-depth thread on these commands here:
Very important to remember: As of right now, it’s first come, first serve! When the event starts, join quick to get your sector and claim it. There are 64 sectors total (8*8), so there’s plenty to go around, but if you want a nice spot, be on time! If you just want to work on one sector with a friend or 2, you don’t all have to claim a sector. Just one of you can /claim it, and then /share with all of you.
In the meantime, you can join the build server right now and try it out. However, on the event day, the server and map will be entirely reset, so don’t get too attached to anything you may build between now and when BuildCon starts.
BuildCon has no official end time. Your creations will be around for a long time, and you can come and go in the build server as you please. So don’t worry about losing your stuff, you can come back anytime over the next days, weeks, and months. You can always join the Aloha Build server from our main page, or from
See you then!