Votekicks last only 30 minutes. Did you wait at least 30 minutes to make sure your “ban” is not just a votekick?
Yes. I did, and i did not get voted out, because not many people typed /Y -
What is your in-game player name? Please include it in the subject of this topic as well.
A Salt Shaker -
What server were you playing on when you got banned? Reminder: We can only help you with bans that took place on aloha.pk servers.
aloha.pk tower of babel -
Why were you banned? Lying severely decreases your chances of getting unbanned. If your “little brother” got you banned, tell him to make an appeal, or accept responsibility on his behalf.
I hacked because i suck at the game and want to get kills inside the walls and do aimbot. -
Why should you be unbanned?
I learned my lesson and will not do it again. I Just wanted to be good at the game.
I really want to play again because its the only server i really play thats crowded and stuff, just wanna have fun without sucking.
I’m really sorry about ruining the game for everyone. -
When were you banned? Best approximate date and time, please.
06/04/21 (June 4, 2021) 8:30PM (GMT+ 09:00)
hello, I’m the admin who banned you,
aloha is a community that believes in giving its players second chances, and the truth is sth we apreciate a lot.
you’ve been banned for at least 2 months, and evaded the ban. on those evading instances, you decided to hack again.
I would like you to dive a bit further into why you should be unbanned, since every time you could evade, you decided to hack again
Well I never remember getting banned? I always remembered getting votekicked, then i ended up thinking that the votekick lasted for 2 weeks or sth, This isnt my first time hacking but i just never decided to appeal because i never remember getting banned because i was just votekicked. This time i actually got banned by an admin, I apologize and want to play again, I know i hacked many times after being votekicked but I won’t do it again this time.
To Be Honest, I really do wanna be unbanned, and If i am I dont wanna get banned or votekicked again. Because I really like the games, its the most popular servers and many talkative players so without playing in a crowded server its kinda bad yk? Talking and strategizing with your team is the best part of it
I banned yourself 2 times, other staff members got you banned for evanding and hacking, are you sure you never got banned before?
pls, be faithful with what happend, how can I trust you won’t fall into hacking, that you’re not lying if you’re doing it rn?
Sorry for taking so long to reply, But i really do not ever remember getting banned only votekicked, When i tried to log on it said votekicked and not banned. I remember i got votekicked for 2 weeks once im not sure, I really do promise I won’t hack again its been to long. I am faithful and im truly sorry for hacking. But i don’t remember ever getting banned, only remember getting votekicked for 2 weeks? Maybe that was a ban? im not sure. Ill stop hacking for real this time. I want to be a better person to the community and not hack. If people still suspect me of hacking because of my previous actions, Ill either get votekicked or get banned again. And i do not want that to happen again. I hope you understand my situation.
It has come to my attention that i have been unbanned. My ban was either a temp-ban or I have been unbanned. Can i ask your permission to start playing again? I won’t hack anymore i promise.
well, leaving the confusion behind, I’ll take your word and unban you, but be aware that if you break the rules, it’ll be harder for you to play again
Yes I do know that, because once i break it again it’ll be harder for you to trust me, you may end up not trusting me, or Permabanning me, so I’ll be careful i wont hack again