Banned - 24/7 Pinpoint (and all


I was wrongfully banned from the 24/7 pinpoint map. I said some obscene things about another player, “teminatorXx” or something,
and was requesting multiple times beforehand that he be kicked for griefing the blue team. A votekick was launched, but it did not succeed.
The admins were apparently online or in the server, because they had just banned some hackers I guess. Anyways, I think it’s insane that
you would immediately ban someone for swearing, but someone who’s ruining the game for everyone goes unpunished at all.

#1) Wait 20-30 mins in case you were votekicked
The error I received says banned, but I can still wait in case.

#2) Please specify your ign (in game name)

#3) Server you were playing on. 1ctf 24/7 Pinpoint

#4) Reason for ban (please be truthful)
Obscene language and cursing at a griefer.

#5) Reason why you should be appealed.
It’s unreasonable that I should be banned for swearing, especially out of frustration (and in an attempt for the admins to pay attention),
while those who grief the server suffer no consequences. You guys run great servers usually, and I enjoy playing on them thoroughly.
Please don’t remove an active, honest member of the community, while leaving the scumbags who grief.

#6) Date and time (approx)
About 11pm Central/US

Thank you,

You are banned for 5 days for racism

(22:52:27) <31> you fucking double niggers (22:52:33) <31> niggerniggerniggernigger....
It's unreasonable that I should be banned for swearing, especially out of frustration (and in an attempt for the admins to pay attention)


What’s your point? If you don’t moderate your own servers, why should you care if anyone is swearing?

Terminator was banned shortly after that. I don’t have time to be in all 15 servers 24/7 watching for every little thing. Use /admin if you have a problem.

I do not tolerate racial slurs on the server, for any reason. Sorry you think it’s justified, but I really don’t care. See you in 5 days.