Ban the user above you

Banned for using noob emojis

Banned for being false yourself. :stuck_out_tongue:

banned for not banning the user above u.

Banned for typing “u” instead of “you”.
Also, banned for being too slow.
Come on, step it up!

banned for thinking you will ban me after i post this

Banned for banning me.

banned for using the logic to play this game

Banned for banning people for using logic.

banned for not having a fox with a hat

Banned for knocking his hat off and then banning him for it.

Banned for showing an animated picture of a cat slapping a kitten.
And also banned for being correct.

banned for changing profile pic whenever i point out an error…
also banned for banning someone or being correct

Banned for quoting me.

banned for banning for little reasons

Banned for repeat the “ban” verb 2 times

you did the same thing hypocrite
banned for being a hypocrite

banned for saying hypocrite 2 times

Banned for saying the forbidden word.

Banned because only my name is forbidden to be said by fools.

Banned for being selfish.