ban because you didnt listen to Snipez
Banned for calling me Snipez
Banned: I don’t understand you’re avatar.
banned:crazymonky for not spelling monkey right
Banned for putting “-” in the end.
Lone: Banned for not being a cat.
dosss: banned for BEING a cat.
Anonymous - Banned for not getting an actual username
Monstarules - Banned for mistaking that I don’t have an IGN (Lone_Wolf).
Anonymous - Banned for not telling me
Mostarules - Banned for being ignorant.
Anonymous-Banned for not really being anonymous
Banned for being a nuke
banned for having a gun.
wayne- Banned for playing AoS when opposing guns.
banned for not knowing that I don’t oppose virtual guns.
Wayne: banned for having confusing sentences and his negligence.
banned for being TwIsTeD…
Banned for being crazy…
Banned for judging people