Ban Appeal. IGN: Vizsla

I’m glad we could establish that this was you. The date that you were on the server, during which you said those chat examples, was April 19, 2014. Unfortunately for you, you were being recorded during the time that you were playing, and were reported to in an abuse report.

Here is the specific video of you.

Obviously, you were hacking with a variety of hacks…

My weapons are modded. I don’t know if that has anything to do with it. As I’ve said before, I don’t use hacks. I realize its hard to prove of my innocence and as an admin of Aloha there’s not much I can say that will get you to believe me but I assure you that was not me. And even if I did for any reason chose to hack, I would change my IGN. I’m not that careless.

The general policy, because we have no way of determining who was hacking (brother, sister, parrot, the list goes on), is that we consider everyone under an ip the same person. It does not matter if you change your IGN or not we can still figure out who you are. At the moment I see a video that is clearly showing someone from YOUR ip hacking whether it be you or your [brother, sister, etc] the fact remains that your ip is now NOT trust worthy. A name was caught hacking with the ip (Hidden), which you are appealing for.

Off topic, To me this appeal sounds like a wonderful piece of fiction.

Well Vizsla, the decision is all up to Nathan whether he is going to keep, shorten, or remove your ban. The fact that your IP has been banned multiple times for hacking, and how your side of the story doesn’t quite add up; it reduces your chances… Now, maintaining your innocence is always ok, but so is telling the truth.

Most (if not all) things I’m about to write, Nathan already knew, I’m just going to put it all here.

" <[-AS-]Vizsla> Pukis called me" was either not said by Vizsla or Vizsla is also called Pukis.
Pukis was playing pinpoint and after saying “<[-AS-]pukis_14> Summoning Cris” he quit game and rejoin with the name [-AS-]Vizsla, it was a short impersonation and not important, just wanted to clear that up.

^ this happened 2 months after [-AS-]Vizsla got banned by Haux on April, as a result of this report, this was the first time [-AS-]Vizsla joined an aloha server in 2014.
While [-AS-]Vizsla hacks, he says “Xero, Im the leader of AS and I dont allow hackers”. Later, [-AS-]Vizsla leaves after saying he has to go to school, adding the emote .____. to the end of the sentence, which is the same emote as the one in this post. I’m not saying this is proof but still a hint.

On Setember 16th, alot of bans were removed, this one ^ included as a result of the ban purge.

On October 18th, [-AS-]Vizsla joins aloha for the first time in 6 months and is banned again.

This is two bans on the same IP (your IP), and we usually don’t care if it was you, your brother or your neighbour.

Mods are client side, the video we have is not your screen, its what we see if we were to place a camera inside your character’s head. and there is no question about it, that character has same name and IP as you.

You can’t prove your innocence because there is no innocence, stop making things up.


After all discussions between Aloha staff and you, you still haven’t admitted that you hacked on our server and took the fun away from the other players. I am very disappointed that you did not cooporate with us. Here is my final decision: YOUR BAN APPEAL IS DENIED.

Thank you,


Nathan, thanks for looking into this. I know for fact, and I know that its difficult for you guys to believe and you guys already made your decision, but I still stand by what I said. Thanks for your time everyone!