Votekicks last only 30 minutes. Did you wait at least 30 minutes to make sure your “ban” is not just a votekick?
yes -
What is your in-game player name? Please include it in the subject of this topic as well.
What server were you playing on when you got banned? Reminder: We can only help you with bans that took place on aloha.pk servers.
babel -
Why were you banned? Lying severely decreases your chances of getting unbanned. If your “little brother” got you banned, tell him to make an appeal, or accept responsibility on his behalf.
i was banned because i was using esp and aimbot -
Why should you be unbanned?
i should be unbanned because i enjoy aloha servers and im sure im not hacking by any means -
When were you banned? Best approximate date and time, please.
10 am australian time on the 30/10/16
you were definitely cheating, kept digging me out – esp, aimbot, don’t lie in your appeal please + it hasn’t even been 30 minutes yet lol
hey HAZARD, I’m the admin who banned you.
I’m going to give you a chance to revise your appeal, as lying severely diminishes any chance of you getting unbanned. I saw you holding a block and snapping directly to two separate players’ heads (which were each around 80-100 blocks away!) every single time you copied/grabbed a block’s color, and tracking them for around a quarter second and letting go as you realized what’s going on for each time it happened. that’s certainly not regular mouse movement, even taking lag into account. if that’s not aimbot, I don’t know what is.
it appears you’ve edited your post… in that case, thanks for atleast admitting it, though I’m curious as to why you lied in the first place.
before we can continue, I’d like you to please delete all cheats (or cheat clients) from your computer.
sure i will do that now
not sure why i lied just felt bad about getting banned and i wanted it lifted cant play anything else due to internet speed being at 10mbps
thanks, and that makes sense I suppose. not a good practice to get into though…
well anyways, considering you were honestish:) I’ll give you a second chance.
you’re now unbanned. have fun, and please, don’t cheat again. there probably won’t be a third chance.