Ban Appeal [GoH]JaZZ

i personally guarantee you that if you are banned again, there will be indisputable first person evidence that shows you are hacking. at the time Drebbel made the video, the first person spectate tool we use as a staple had not been created yet which led to the evidence being iffy. if you get banned again, you have my word that there will be another video and you will be given the opportunity to appeal it as well.

I could swear I hear digging noise in the first 27 seconds, which is positioned right where the tunneler is (as you move your camera the noise seems to move along, and unless you could manage controlling two separate windows at the same time I can see no other explanation other than the noise coming from him)
Maybe the digging sound you hear comes from the green guys at the right of you, cause I can assure you the green guy under the stairs wasn't moving. I'd know if I was able to control two clients at the same time, which I'm not. The fact that you didn't fall for that trap doesn't mean you didn't know he was there and that you're innocent. And besides it doesn't explain the snaps.
This isn't good for me at all. What guarantees that the same thing won't happen allover again?? This time it would mean a definite permaban for me.
Take it or leave it. I'm giving you the benefit of my doubt right now, if I were you I'd take it and stay away from cheats from now on.

i personally guarantee you that if you are banned again, there will be indisputable first person evidence that shows you are hacking. at the time Drebbel made the video, the first person spectate tool we use as a staple had not been created yet which led to the evidence being iffy. if you get banned again, you have my word that there will be another video and you will be given the opportunity to appeal it as well.

Thank you. First person video would’ve been all that was needed in this case to prove my innosence. Also if something similar happens again, I would like if this case will not be considered as a “hackers history/already been banned earlier for hacking” or anything similar since the evidence against me was proven to be unvalid. This would be all.

Take it or leave it. I’m giving you the benefit of my doubt right now, if I were you I’d take it and stay away from cheats from now on.

Taking it would mean that this case is considered as me being proven guilty, which this is not. It is not my fault that the quality of evidence wasn’t high enough which made the discussion over it somewhat subjective. I ask this case to be forgotten, but I will accept a probation period during which I am to be watched closely. I also expect a date when it is over. And then I’m completely clean.

Also if something similar happens again, I would like if this case will not be considered as a "hackers history/already been banned earlier for hacking" or anything similar since the evidence against me was proven to be unvalid. This would be all.
Nice try to put words in our mouth.

You’re talking like you’re expecting to get caught again. Don’t give us a reason and you’re safe. It’s not that hard to understand: if you get caught cheating you get permabanned. That’s how it works.

Now go, play and enjoy.

JaZZ does have a point. The idea here is that you’re technically clear on your rap sheet, but we have your name on file, so don’t do anything fishy because you can be sure we’re going to pay attention to you.