[BABEL] 2 things that f**** everyone up :x

  1. Half of the team stays afk over 10+minutes. How is this possible? Is there no afk-script available? Just put them into spectator or kick them.

  2. A hacker (aimbot) joins the server and gets over 200 kills with impossible ratio and acc. Sometimes i think the hackers are just admins kidding around. :-X

These 2 things are very annoying. More than my bad english and small dick (i build my aos-penis just 3 blks high)! I stopped playing some months ago and it was the same like it is now. If you try to votekick a player 3/99 do the /y.

I know there is /admin, but sometimes there is no admin available or it just takes too long.

  1. no comment

  2. Just because a player has over 200 kills does not make them a hacker. getting more than 200 kills in a slow babel match is not very difficult and therefore not uncommon.

I agree that some things that aloha does is not the most effective way to do things, however it is better than having legit players getting kicked for false reasons.

If you find legitimate hackers we have a abuse report section with instructions on how to use it (http://aloha.pk/index.php?board=27.0) please use it.

If you are determined to continue to complain, instead of mindlessly saying things offer a hand and help. Suggest ways in which we can better the servers, work your way to being part of the staff so that you can be there for when no one else can.

Good luck.

The only idea of use that you said was about the AFK script. Having such script configured for disconnecting players AFK for more than 10 minutes (or maybe less) would be really interesting.

Cough I get around 500 kills in babel daily with accuracy up to 60% and SMG 30-40%. I must be hacking.

So griefers don’t f*** everyone up?

1.i think aloha server kicks afk players if the server is full so yea
2.go to #aloha in irc channel and report or use pubovl and use bandicam/fraps to record hackers n then post it in abuse report EASY THING

  1. The server will kick any that are afk once every hour.

  2. Mind giving out examples of who these ‘hackers’ are? Because I’m pretty sure the servers are clean most of the time…Well at least whenever I’m on because I basically ban them when I catch them.

Do know what I also dont like bigboss? People that build a wall around their tent so when people try to cap the intel they cant. And when they try to destroy the wall you kill them.

^hate that too, but also I see them burying it too.

Another thing I hate is pillar builders. Sometimes when my team was building the tower (like halfway done), people started to make pillars to reach the top (badly) and block the ones walking up the stairs, which is really annoying. In some cases, they are either from the other team, or just fresh spawns.

just read “impossible”. you think i’m a noob and i don’t know who is 100% cheating? i was rlly good with the gun. so i got banned on some servers years ago. that is why i normally take the smg. a k/d of 20+ and headshots while jumping around is something impossible. getting more kills than the rest of the team in just some minutes is also something… mysterious. so please, don’t think i’m just the normal noob cryin for beeing killed.

If you find legitimate hackers we have a abuse report section with instructions on how to use it (http://aloha.pk/index.php?board=27.0) please use it.

If you are determined to continue to complain, instead of mindlessly saying things offer a hand and help. Suggest ways in which we can better the servers, work your way to being part of the staff so that you can be there for when no one else can.

afk script. read it!

i think it is also possible to just deactivate the gunslot for players which acc is 99% and kill maybe 40 players a minute. if it rlly is a good player (maybe 3%^^), he will stay and help to build. there was also a sentence about the /admin. admins are not 24/7 online.

@Jedelas: i don’t think you play very much @aloha babel. nearly every day i play, there is a 100% hacker. you are also able to read the “impossible” part. so stop making fun about not reading my post :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@Sarge: there was a map where you just can’t modify the area around the tent. the map looked like a crater.

so what do you think about those 2 scripts? possible?

no but ok

okay show me a video with 200+ kills in some min. jumping around in front of the enemy spawn area. every shot is a headshot and you are only allowed to die when your mag is empty. the thing is not about the kd only. it is about kills/min, too.

just post a yt-link or something similar. i’ll watch it and call you my hero after

TIL Jedelas, who was #1 in total kills on Aloha.pk stats for a long time, doesn’t play very often.

implying I ever said I could do that

I’m pretty sure if I didn’t disable my stats, I’d still be at number one with a total of around 25 to 27k kills atm.

  1. ) If you were the admin, It would be hard to do it…
  2. ) Ye i get it, You should use PUBovl and a screen recorder… And report it to Aloha.pk
    Or better yet if matter is urgent go to the IRC and report it to admins

could you explain me why? i’m not into AoS-scripting/coding.

2. ) Ye i get it, You should use PUBovl and a screen recorder.... And report it to Aloha.pk Or better yet if matter is urgent go to the IRC and report it to admins
the problem is the running game. hours of gameplay are worthless because of 10min excessive hacking. last year i started to play babel with some new friends. it was very funny and all of them enjoyed the game. but then we met hackers every day so they started to play other games.

also i think most of the hackers don’t reconnect to the server. i don’t know - it is just a feeling :slight_smile:

@A White Guy: and i didn’t say that the vid has to be yours :wink:

// maybe it is just the time. i normally play from ~6pm-2am GMT+1

What do you suggest we do?

Well bigboss we do have a script in place to kick afk’ers, but i’m not entirely sure what time its set to. I remember a suggestion got put forward in the past to move the limit to 10 minutes. Not sure that it got through though. I agree though if we don’t have the limit at 10 minutes then its a huge inconvienience when trying to join a popular server and there’s no spots open, but there are 1 or 2 afk guys online.

There is no automatic afk kicking on babel script-wise. There might be a timer set by one of our admins that does it manually every hour, but I don’t know for sure.