[BABEL] 2 things that f**** everyone up :x

1 or 2 players are okay if the server is full. but most of the time i play, more players are afk. some days ago i made some screenshots for a guide and forgot to close the game. after an hour i was still there.
so there are 2 possibilities:

  • script is not working properly
  • there is no script

(or maybe 3… the trusted-i-change-blocks-where-i-am-not-allowed-to-players)

either you are blind or idk

If you ever see a trusted player greifing then report him at once. Be sure to have a video to support your claim or we can do nothing to rectify the situation.

Even if you don’t have a video, it is good to complain because trusted players griefing is serious stuff and we would definitely look into it. Just tell us who it is.

3vs1 - who rlly knows it?

so give it a go or just watch it another year?

and no, the printscreen-function does not work@xp -.- i told both of them to not modify the blocks because the team normally can’t do it!

I’m sorry if all those answers confused you boss. Most of the servers do have a script in place to kick afk’ers. I didn’t know babel had no script for it. If you have anymore questions I’ll do my best to answer or find someone with the knowledge who can answer accurately.

On point #2 as an FYI when you first log into the game it shows all the players Total kills since they have been logged on. This goes away from your view when the map resets and everyone starts at 0 again. So when you log in and see someone with 200+ kills, they have probably been playing for a while.

It is better to check how the AFK script is running (if it is running) and to set it to disconnect AFK players for more than 10 minutes (I think it is a good time) or maybe less, because sometimes there are long AFK players while the server is full. :stuck_out_tongue:


one of those is an admin. cant speak to the other…

Why are you sure he is an admin just because belongs to Hawks clan?

He means Nathan is a mod

you missed the point.
just write a guide for how to install and start the game, but please don’t try to explain the game basics to a experienced player base.

things are said, maybe they change, maybe they do not. after my exams i will see if something has changed (hopefully the red team).


From my experience with babel, and bear with me this is like 3 months old so I might be out of the current meta, most players either build things (this includes the tower itself) or run towards enemy base like maniacs. If they ever do breach the top, most of them start camping the edge of the enemy side and lobbing grenades. In reality, it’s mostly 1 or 2 guys doing intel runs, and those rack up points really fast. (That was somewhat obligatory, though I’m sure you already know the difference between points and actual kills).

Also, unlike everyone who seems to be panning your description of a “hacker”, I’ll back you up. Can a player legitimately get ratios of 20+? Yes, I’ve done it myself. Can a player legitimately average 10 kills a second? Probably, if they’re sniping down builders and have amazing twitch reflexes. Putting the two together? Sounds sketchy to me, and raises like 5 alarms in my head, definitely warrants a check. But I’ve seen some real good players kick that much ass.

But I don’t think that was the point of your message, we can argue all day about what determines if someone’s a hacker or not. Your central thesis seems to be that AFKers + hackers makes babel suck. In response to that…

  1. We do have a script for kicking AFK people, but it’s not in place in all servers. I’m not 100% sure, but I think there’s a technical limitation to how the game itself functions such that AFK scripts can have some undesirable results, especially for admins who are on the server. So put in an afk script, and it might hinder us banning a hacker or two, but at the same time, will help deal with crowded servers. It’s pretty case-by-case, so we’ll reassess whether having an autokick on babel is a good idea now that you filed this complaint.

  2. Hackers&co. are rather time-consuming to deal with, and like you said, it’s all too easy for one person to ruin everyone’s experience in one minute. Assuming an active aloha babel admin plays AoS for 2 hours a day, we need a minimum of 12 staff to deal with the server around the clock. Considering how our waking hours are probably all bunched up, that number goes up significantly; we can’t cover everything, and with the state that things are in, we probably only get about a quarter to half of the hackers, at best. Repeat offenders will probably eventually get nailed, but you were somewhat correct in saying hackers rarely come back. They often do, just not from a internet-connection standpoint.

We can always use an extra hand. If you’re fed up with how babel is, you have a few options. Grin and bear it, and hope that hackers magically only appear when admins do, or play a server that an admin is currently on. Or if you’ve run out of patience for sitting around passively, consider applying to be a guard, and get some power to start fighting the cancer. Many of the admins are busy with real life stuff, I’m sure you can sympathize as you seem to have finals as well.


Reki just pretty much summed everything up.

It’s pretty easy to camp behind the enemy’s base and pump all your rifle ammo to get 40+ kill streaks (makes a pretty good ratio too).

Specially when you have aimbot turned on.

I’ve had a 32 killstreak with OpenSpades on Call of Liberty Babel camping with my rifle.

No one likes you, you’ve wasted the time of the admins and the players.

I like myself :wink: