Auto Clickers aloud?

Yes or no? I use it so I can build faster and destroy the enemy tower faster in babel XD. Sorry if it’s bad I think it’s not lol

Do you really need an auto-clicker when you can just hold it down? But for the most part, they’ve said it’s fine to use these things like AutoHotKey.

You might be interested in the AutoHotKey.

Not really I’m a lazy person so yep. Also what the hell is an autohotkey I’ve read the topic, but never found out what it was. I assume it is something you use to spam? Or perhaps crouch spam?

Sorry for double post. “lets you have a three round burst with an SMG.” Ok never mind but I’m still using both :3 Hehehe and I’m going to use dankes ideas about the slit thing in pp so I can atleast get 100 kills a day XD