Auniqeid Vs KomradeWyvern 1v1

He’s a big CHICKEN.

All I see is a bunch of smack talking but no show.

There needs to be 3 spectators.

1 needs to spectate AUI with ovl075
1 needs to spectate Wyvern with ovl075
1 needs to spectate the whole match


And if both players could record too that would be great.

AUniqueID, you most of all need to record just to prove you can beat wyvern without an aimbot.

Hobohob we need he to show up to his 1 v 1 in the first place

Or you could skip all that and keep him banned and 1v1 for the sake of humiliation.

What? I didn’t say anything about getting him unbanned. He can stay banned for all I care. This is just precautions to make sure no one hacks in the 1v1 ruining it for anybody else.

And if he does turn it off he will lose.
If he is hacking he will be caught
if he doesn’t hack then he will prove that he is good.
Doesn’t really matter tho

Either way, he isn’t going to be unbanned because of pretty sufficient proof of no recoil.

I don’t think that he aimbots or ESPs, but I do think he no-recoils… well at least in that video :wink:

EDIT: Fixed spelling mistake on recoil (I accidentally typed reciol) and other minor grammatical errors.

I said I can only have the 1v1 today you dumbass

And there never was a last time because YOU chickened out.

I am leaving the AoS community. But I will be back. And then you will remember.

I will still have the 1v1 with you to prove I am not a chicken.

But you will be when you lose.
As far as I can see, you never challenged me.
Korakoff did challenge you to a 1 v 1 and you never responded.
Get your facts strait.

Should have just admitted to the hacks.

What I got out of his last post:

“Ok I’m being accused of hacking (which I did) and there’s really good evidence but I won’t admit it so I’ll just pretend to leave HUR DURRR”

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Do we have to be so persecutive? Jeez. I know there’s some wrongdoing but let’s just let bygones be bygones and get on with the match at hand. Talk civilly, set a date that works for both parties and then play.

I doubt he’s ever coming back to Aloha since he ragequit.

i won

You can’t win teh interwebz.
