Auniqeid Vs KomradeWyvern 1v1


you are so lazy

Are you saying saying you want a 1v1 too?


Ill be waiting

Dude. Im back. Go onto the same server

We’ll hit it up again at 5pm HST
I gotta do chores then gots’ta get ready for the matches I have today

Crying irl

AWG has a knack for killing threads with his 12-year-oldness

HST; Hawaiian standard time, is GMT -10

So, this match would be 7pm on the west coast, or 10pm on the east coast. It’s 3am in Greenwich.

You guys need to find a place about equal ping time for the both of you.

Edit aww crap, it already happened, didn’t it?

And can people please read my Ban appeal and try to make sense that I actually wasn’t hacking.

B-B-But you were! :frowning:

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a 1 vs. 1 match huh? …bets! taking all bets right here!! :stuck_out_tongue:

I think we should also get a PABH in here.

I swear if I ever get the chance I am going to f****** kick your ass.

I am fed up people accusing me.

What is a PABH?

And 1v1 not today. It will take place on monday If you can make it wyvern.

Auniqeid…you can not kick Springs ass.

Wyvern sucks at aos therefore i wil 1v1 you instead

I’m confused. What server will it be on?

Match was yesterday and auniqied was a no-show just like last time.