Minecraft Factions Server Ideas Thread!

And the Aloha forums will have more people :smiley:

Rawr how long is this gonna take?

Last I heard it was scheduled to launch on 12/20/12, but that’s not 100% guaranteed.

Wasn’t it 12/12/12, according to their FB page?

Reki either brain fart or troll.

Wait nvm, thought it was talking about AoS 1.0

When it’s ready :slight_smile:

I’m thinking we will have it open before the new year, but no guarantee.

Well with my new graphix card I can now run MC 1.4.5 at 40 FPS!

I just spent a few hours messing around a bit with the whole factions thing.

Right now, all factions will be enemies of each other permanently. You can destroy things of another faction and access their chests if a member of said faction is online. Else if not then you can’t do either. You also can’t interact with enemy land if it is owned by someone at all. I kinda want to remove this, but it does add a sort of security overall. Perhaps having only one protected area per a faction.

How’s this sounding?

I was thinking you could have a limit on lockable chests. Like, you’d have to BUY a ‘lock’ from a store/shop to lock a chest. And you could buy private, group, and faction locks. Private is just for you, group is any one who you give the ‘key’ to (/key [name]), and faction is anyone in the faction can access it. And maybe a limit on the amount of keys you can have. That would be nice. And PVP against other players in the same faction (when in their own faction) should be disabled. This means some bastard can’t just backstab me when I’ve got some diamond gear in my inventory.

I was also thinking, would you be able to do a command, like: /join [faction name] at the beginning? Or would that not work since you are going to have your factions automatically pick people at random when they join…

Just my suggestions. :wink:


Yeah, something like that will be added.

You can like buy land inside factions, and I might make it so bought land is, or just player owned land is protected. I’m still trying to figure out how to make it so that owned land can protect chests from other members of the faction, but not from other factions.

Hm, I really don’t know if I like that. It’s more realistic, but it kinda ruins the whole protection part of factions IMO. Factions should have the option to be allies with some other faction.

Yeah PXYC I agree. I was thinking the 3 main factions should all be at war at first, and it can change with time. Also if we let people create factions then obviously they can run their own.

Choosing clan relations is just a command, /f enemy clanname

I think player created factions are a no no, there should be maybe 3-4 factions to start off. When you join the server you choose which one you want to join, or be a loner.

Allies can be enabled, I I think I found a way to have chests the way Froe wants it.

I’m a boss at configuring the towny plugin if you’re using it :slight_smile:

We are, and when I need help il ask you.

What is towny? I’ve heard of it but don’t know anything about it.

it’s like factions except it’s really complicated.