a baby was banned

  1. Votekicks last only 30 minutes. Did you wait at least 30 minutes to make sure your “ban” is not just a votekick?


  1. What is your in-game player name? Please include it in the subject of this topic as well.

a baby

  1. What server were you playing on when you got banned? Reminder: We can only help you with bans that took place on aloha.pk servers.

I dont know, i started the client yesterday and clicked on an aloha server and it said I was banned.

  1. Why were you banned? Lying severely decreases your chances of getting unbanned. If your “little brother” got you banned, tell him to make an appeal, or accept responsibility on his behalf.

As i said, wasnt kicked from any server, i was just unable the next day to log onto any aloha servers as i had been banned. Honestly, have no idea what i may have done to be banned.

  1. Why should you be unbanned?

As i stated above, i am not aware of the ban until i tried to play the following day. Some kind of glitch i am guessing. If i did indeed do something i would be happy to know what it was and not do it again.

  1. When were you banned? Best approximate date and time, please.

September 28th i tried to play on an aloha server and got the “banned” on server login message. I had played the previous day September 27th in the evening? Not sure.

You were banned for griefing. Do you recall griefing on the 26th?

Esteemed Administrator,

For me a big part of the “BABEL” game is removing cover from the enemy. By that i mean removing all trees and structures close to the tower for the enemy to hide an shoot our tower.

This is how i play Babel most every time. This is the primary role i take on for my team.

I do not destroy the tower built by my team, just places for the enemy to hide. Sometimes a new player will walk behind me and rebuild as i attempt to clear cover. To them i may seem to be “destroying everything!” but i am simply attempting to make it possible to see all incoming enemy troops.

Sometimes players on my team may build structures that function as perfect cover for the enemy. I DO destroy these if they threaten the security of the tower by allowing the enemy to approach within range to machine gun the hell out of our tower. .

So on the 26th, i am positive that i DID in fact spend a significant amount of time clearing the map of hiding places. The intention was not griefing though to someone who didn’t understand what I was doing it might seem so.

I don’t recall actually being kicked from the server at that time.

Anyway, it sounds like i may have some trouble playing the game the way i do in future even if you remove my ban. There are a regular influx of new players who are likely to interpret the role i choose on my team as griefing.

In summation clearing cover to me is an essential team role that can make the difference between success and failure in a tower building game. I can’t imagine playing it any other way.

I sincerely hope you remove my ban as my intention was never to grief, though i suspect i may well be before this esteemed administration again on a similar charge in the future as long as someone on my team does not understand the idea of “eliminating cover”.

The defense rests.


a baby

Well, I didn’t ban you but just be careful where you take down structures. It may be that some teammates felt that you removed their cover, so only remove things that obstruct the team’s way or give cover to the enemy. Regardless, your ban was only three days and you should be unbanned by now. Enjoy your time and please be careful next time.

Thank you.


I am the admin who banned you from babel for griefing and blocking stair. I remember you started griefing and blocking the stair as soon as you joined the blue team. You disconnected after you completely block the blue’s stair. I was not able to ban you in game, so I have a temp ban to against you. It is will be expired soon and you can rejoin the game again.

I am hoping you would have learned your lesson.



Sorry, but i am not a stair blocker. Though you may have mistaken me for one as i was constantly building around the blockages when we get one of these people. I am like 52, i enjoy this game and will try to play by all the rules but i am not a stair blocker or griefer. I feel i must defend myself.

Sorry, but i am not a stair blocker. Though you may have mistaken me for one as i was constantly building around the blockages when we get one of these people. I am like 52, i enjoy this game and will try to play by all the rules but i am not a stair blocker or griefer. I feel i must defend myself.

Destroying map objects is always a controversial decision, as it may remove cover from people on your team who are attempting to make their way to the enemy tower or perhaps sniping the builders.

Duly noted. I will definitely be more cautious clearing structures in the future. Missed playing before heading to work because of ban. Maybe a tutorial on strategies for new players could help?

A baby

Your ban should be expired. You should be able to play anytime now.



Just see if the structure will obstruct the way of others or if it’s being used in a meaningful way. For example, someone towering up the tent would warrant the destruction of the tower, but some tree being used as a sniping nest shouldn’t be touched.