[x] Waldek, xLZ.Thisk, Pet, Nightengale, & Darkside

Map: aloha.pk babel
Date: 5-7-14
Time: 5:15 PM CTZ
Name: Waldek
Abuse: Hacking with aimbot, esp, possibly more


Sorry for only one hacker in one thread. I’ll add more below. It was a relatively slow day.

Map: aloha.pk r1ctf 24/7 hallway
Date: 5-8-14
Time: 7:09 PM CTZ
Name: xLZ.Thisk
Abuse: Hacking with aimbot, esp, possibly more



Map: aloha.pk 1ctf pinpoint
Date: 5-8-14
Time: 8:46 PM CTZ
Name: Pet
Abuse: Hacking with aimbot, esp, possibly more



Map: aloha.pk r1ctf 24/7 hallway
Date: 5-8-14
Time: 6:52 PM CTZ
Name: Nightengale
Abuse: Hacking with aimbot, esp, possibly more
Other: Obviously, there is not a lot of evidence here, but the snap at 0:19 says it all. Hope it’s enough.
Other Other: Player banned at PP at 5/9/14 8:20 PM CTZ



Map: aloha.pk r1ctf 24/7 hallway
Date: 5-8-14
Time: 9:32 PM CTZ
Name: DarkSide
Abuse: Hacking with aimbot, esp, possibly more


I installed a new program that makes my reports upload to YouTube 10x faster. I can get a lot more reports in now, in less time. My problem has always been my internet, but that shouldn’t be an issue anymore!

All players have been taken care of. Some were banned by myself, other admins, or were ban evaders. Thank you for the reports.