[x] Nobody

Nobody was finding everybody on babel at around 3:15 PM EST.



One of the most apparent moments was at 3:35 when he looked straight through the ground at someone tunneling beneath, started to spade below, then decided not to waste his time with the enemy.

[15:23] <@Danke> #30 / United States / Nobody / 108 / Red / Score: 21 / K: 21 / D: 8 / R: 2.625 / Str: 0 / ★Str: 11 / RIF.Acc: 27% / SMG.Acc: None / SHT.Acc: None / Afk: 14 seconds / babel - http://west.aloha.pk:34886 / aos://1379434439:34887

Nobody was banned. :smiley: Thank you for reporting.