Name: Green/Blue/aaaaaaaaaaaaaa/Legenda
Offence: instant intel cap
Server: infiltration
Time & date: 2014/02/02 11:45 (gmt +1)
Evidence: (It’s 5 screens on one picture so its realy big…)
I think this usually happens on infiltration that if someone brings the intel, it gives him 10 intel captures. And the script is always “spamming” the screen with information that the player captured it 10 times.
green and blue are part of the infiltration script, yes
that’s actually the reason the player limit on infil is 31, so they can ‘join’
as for aaaaaaaaaaaaaa and Legenda, that happens sometimes, idk why
I actually reported green and blue before a long time ago
The thing is, they were connecting, capping and insantly disconnecting… Or maybe its just me now knowing anything about the infiltration gamemode… Whatever.