[WIP] OpenSpades M1 Garand

M1 Garand WIP for OS. The animation’s sure as hell choppy, and not all that great, but it is something. I admittedly don’t know Angelscript that well, but as you can see I’m getting there. This is the product of about 4-5h of work right now, most of the time was getting used to adjusting the KV6 models for viewer ability.

You may notice that there is a cutaway on the right side of the Garand model. That is where the Action.kv6 will be going. I intend to make it more realistic. I’m interested in attempting the same method by Para to make the empy En-Bloc clip into a particle.

As far as the sound effects go, they are heavily edited real M1 Garand sounds. You might notice that after the initial report you can hear the whiz and supersonic crack of the bullet. I did that in style of the BF: BC2 sniper rifle sound effects, and real gunfire.


That beautiful ejection ping tho; I would voluntarily restrict my magazine to 8 rounds max and disable reloading until I run out of ammo just for the immersion.

Quite possible to do. I could [proably] write that up somehow.

i like the model, i’m excited

Some of you may have overheard if you’re in my discord, but the rifle is still being worked on. Just having some minor issues now, and I’m going to probably pull a Paratrooper and just rewrite that section of code. Hopefully I can get something neat showing up.

One issue I am having is with the third-person view of the rifle. For some reason it doesn’t like the model, or it doesn’t like when I edit the code to make the sound accept .wav files.