If you are experiencing lag when playing AoS in fullscreen with win8, check this fix made by topo (Windows 8 + Voxlap FPS fix - Build and Shoot):
----------------------------------------------------------------------Original Topic by topo--------------------------------------------------------------------------
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers]
"C:\\Path\\To\\AoS\\client.exe" = "$ DWM8And16BitMitigation Layer_ForceDirectDrawEmulation"
Save that as xyz.reg and run it. Works for whatever version, will work for several versions simultaneously (you only have to run it once per version - just make sure you get the path right and use the double bars \, and don't forget the blank line).
For example, the path for me was "C:\Users\Myself\AppData\Roaming\Build and Shoot\Game Installations\0.75\client.exe"
If there is a security configuration in your computer, you may need to do those steps manually by going to the "regedit" (you can search it in your win8/win10 search bar), navigate to the following address HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers and add the following string values:
$ DWM8And16BitMitigation Layer_ForceDirectDrawEmulation
If you play fullscreen, you'll probably experience screen flickering. So here's another fix. It doesn't require the original fix to run. It does prevent you from alt-tabbing out of aos (sorry). If you use a higher resolution you might have some fps issues while zoomed.
Download this file and extract it into your ace of spades directory.
ddrawfix.zip (942 KB)