Which map should be removed from Arena mode?

some comments during the first play test of KomradeColor’s spiraltower map:

12:54:34 < arena_aloha> <[F]Undead> i like fast maps this takes to long
12:54:45 < arena_aloha> <[G3N]Deadly> like the av storage thing
12:54:51 < arena_aloha> i think thid game mode is for smaller faster fights

Remove a map? Your gonna have to go through me first!

I don’t know the name, but I think the map with 2 towers for each team with 2 holes in the middle should be removed. Whenever that one is on, people always tell the admin to change the map and the admin usually does.

Why does everyone either hate or love facingworlds arena…

it is either to fast or much to slow, I have not seen a good balanced game on that map.

now i’m leaning toward removing avstorage. AVuKY himself said it was only intended as a test and didn’t expect us to add it to the rotation.

i think prison should be removed but i also think it should stay,personally i like the map im just tired of people constantly bickering about camping…i mean the server is called llast team standing not go and be a try hard and die after getting 1 kill

noooooooooo this map is amazing i love this map…partly cuz i never fall through the map but its a really good map

i’m pretty sure Tank is making some adjustments to prison.

avstorage is still in the rotation…

I would like to have Prison edited. It’s a really fun map except for that tower, because everyone camps in there, causing the gameplay to come to a halt. On top of that, the auto-win system doesn’t award points to a team at the time limit.

Map: Blue Resort

Reason: The map is small. I think that all arena maps should be big, a good example is Office Wars. Plenty of room
for people to hide, snipe, and run around. ;D

Please don’t remove avstorage, it’s my favorite map :frowning:

If the maps are to be big (I prefer mid sized maps) the win count should be low between 5-7. I like avsides BTW ^_^.

I say we bring back all the AVUkY maps for starters.
Office Wars shouldn’t be here.
We need 5 points to win on Island.

That new tower map is somewhat frustrating, but it’s not too bad; the score limit should be 7 or 10.

I like the changes to plane assault other than the fact that blue can still take two steps out of their gate and shoot green all the way across the map as they come down the stairs… Also I think aimbotters are becoming a problem. There is no real way to prove someone is cheating. I think it is obvious when you are playing against someone and they seemingly always know where you are.

You can record headsnaps using /hackinfo

… Outside of that, you’re right, there’s no real way to record when there’s an aimbotter and it’s very hard to tell. The best thing to do when you suspect an aimbotter is to do "/admin "

What the /admin function does is message admins of Aloha.pk who are all sitting in an IRC chatroom. It notifies that there is a hacker on said server, and someone will go invisible and check it out. Outside of that, you can spectate them yourself, but it’s hard to tell when a player is just really great or a hacker.

just saying that the hackinfo isnt very accurate. Also the /admin function doesnt actually do anything unless you leeave a message EG: /admin halloway is griefingn and hacking

I would greatly appreciate it if the map “Prison” was edited and the tower on the blue side removed. Here is a pic of what happens each and every round:

Not sure if it’s clear on the screenshot, but there were at least 5 other guys camping above the stairs too.
Note: It doesn’t help that when time runs out, neither team is awarded a point, even if it says “Blue team wins the round.”

I would reccomend Prison being removed.