What's the highest ping you've had to put up with on aloha.pk?

Let’s talk about lag. It’s a gamer’s worst enemy (and sometimes it’s best friend). The thing I want to ask everyone is what’s the highest ping you’ve ever played with on any aloha.pk server. Please include screenshots/recordings/some sort of evidence if you can. ;D

No evidence, but 3k once. Crappy university wifi.

Usually I’m in the 60’s.

around 30k ping I guess but I don’t any proof :(.

“Only” around 10000 I guess, but my normal ping is about 250.

Could be difficult because my ping rises in about 2 seconds and falls down in 5 seconds its down to 600ms.
Mostly laggspikes.

Well then you’re not really putting up with it for long. I mean constant high ping meaning that you can do nothing but sit there and wait until it’s over.




6000 ping. Im ususally in about 120’s


highest i’ve gotten was like, 150-180, though, i may have gotten one a lot higher back when it was ddos’d.

I don’t put up with ping if it goes above 200, so…200?

Also sometimes the forums lag for 5-10 seconds per page request, especially noticeable around the 4chan invasion a while back. In that sense, several thousand milliseconds.

Lol, well… My ping is 195-200 at it’s best because I’m Aussie. :stuck_out_tongue:

Same with Chappy, my lowest is 200 and my highest is 250 on a normal day

On a bad day it can get very high, over 9000

On some days I had for like 2 hours a 1-3k ping.And I had to play with it because I cant fix it

One time I had a incredible lag spike right before I disconnected from a server. That combined with my horribly slow computer put me up to 46k. Sadly though as I disconnected I couldn’t get a picture.

Highest 600 , It may not sound like much but I was playing Ace Of Spades with Dial-Up in Australia 0_o

<Arena_Top_10> Chappy: AlexG's Ping: 12177 ms

I’m surprised he wasn’t timed out! XD

U.U my ping really only goes up to 400 or so, usually its 90-100 [ yet at 100 I rubberband at times] feel sorry for you all.

20000 ms