whats Halfway town?

Hi all, I’ve come here to explain the name of this village and its birth, because no matter how many times I say it ingame, people just never learn.

halfway town


Since this village is outside of the “residential area”, it remained unnoticed for a long time and it was only discovered when the plans for the new iron farm were discussed. However it was not created at that time, it was created way before.
When the 1.7 update came, I decided to build a new home, so I went far west in search of a spot, ideally an island, and I eventually reached one that I liked. However, when getting the building materials from my old base to make the new base, I forgot to /sethome in the new base so I had to travel back to it after getting the materials. In this second travel I found a village and I had to camp in it because the night was coming, I did not want its inhabitants to die, so I protected it during the night, blocked its doors, and then I decided to build a fence around it and add sufficient lighting, I added one or two iron golems to protect it and before leaving it I decided I should give it a name and a purpose: If anyone ever needed refuge in the middle of a travel to the west, they could stop there and restock food or just trade with the existing villagers, with a marker it would be easy to find through dynmap, because most travellers use the dynmap, so a name was given, so that it wouldn’t just be called ‘village’.

new base


The name ‘halfway town’ was because it was between the spawn and the new base

Distance comparison


I gave up on that location afterwards because it was too far from spawn, when /home became a payed service. If anyone is interested in making a base there, you’re free to, it has no trees and its fully torched. Location is -32800x -2300z

halfway town “photo album”

Nice read and cool to bring history to the server. Thanks buddy.

Nice post. I’ve seen it on the Dynmap long before Owl Co. started construction on the interblock super railway (xD) but never asked about it.

Nice history but for Ferrari’s sake I’ll ask what he is thinking:
what is halfway town again?


I was actually wondering what it was when I first saw it lol. Now I understand.