Whats going to happen to BaS?

hi guys, i just joined the forum today, but ive been playing for about 2 years. i want to know whats the plan for BaS. Are we just going to let it die, or is any progress going to be made? i came here because i assumed the forums on build and shoot are dead.

It would be awesome to have a discussion, so please reply

um… well you only waited 4 minutes for a reply but that’s cool.

I have no idea what you are talking about. BnS is not dead in the least. just a quick glance at their forum and there are lots of posts/replies from yesterday and today. aloha doesn’t have any loyalties to Build and Shoot that I am aware of so I do not understand the question here.

If you could elaborate on your problem maybe somebody could try to help you

Im sorry, its definitely not dead, but the community isnt growing, all the old players have left, and it doesn’t seem like there is a lot happening to help the player base grow.

okay so what do you think should be done to solve this?

I dont know, thats why i asked the question and started this thread in the first place

I also thought aloha was connected to BaS because izzy is a co owner of BaS and a lot of the servers are aloha.

izzy does what he can to help BnS and is a major part of ace of spades 0.76 and bellow.

Build and Shoot simply shows all the available ace of spades servers. It just so happens that aloha runs most of the well known popular servers for ace of spades on the internet

Do you play ace of spades?

For the longest of times, I thought izzy was a chick. Anyway, here’s my theory why the community is getting less and less.

When the old players were new back then, they were having a good time with AoS Original. And then Jagex bought the name and most of the old players wanted to check it out. They decided it’s shit and just don’t feel like going back to AoS Original.

aliens will yes

                         ooga booga

that’s not even close

most of the old players just got bored after playing aos for 10 million years
there’s only so much you can do with a game that hasn’t been updated in years

who do u think u r kidding, aos isn’t even 10 million years yet

Well regardless of white guy’s exaggeration he’s correct. For those of us who have been here for 2 1/2 to 3 years, we know how much larger AoS was before Jagex officially dropped AoS 1.0 Dec 1st I think 2012. We had roughly 3 to 4 times as many players as we have now roughly.

Over the years we’ve lost player to all kinds of reasons, they just fade away AKA “bored”, they get banned, they move to the Jagex version, it just happens.

I guess the only way to enlarge the community is to advertise, but i’m not entirely sure how that would appeal to Jagex and before anyone says anything about monetary restrictions on advertisement, there are plenty of free ways to advertise your game.

I’d say our main advertisement is word of mouth, which as we all know is the slowest form.

Some people are trying to make a client or a spin-off based on the original AoS like Openspades, Iceball, and VXW but almost all (except Opensapdes) died out because of the lack of support.
The staffs are most of the time inactive and busy due to real life stuff. All the old regulars and veterans left. And the people who regularly play AoS are people who can’t even understand English. So I say this game’s going to die a slow painful death.

No, the problem is the first generation of people that started playing the game did one of three things.

  1. Got bored of the game.
  2. Grew up and have more important things to do.
  3. Got bored after all their friends left.