Hello, I’m new to the Aloha forums and I’m making this thread because of all the griefers and hackers at pinpoint, I don’t know why they choose pinpoint other than any other server…
• Fix the votekicks ( It’s like 15 people have to vote each time, Because of that 95% of the votekick’s are timed out.
Fix it around 6-8 per votekick?
• An IRC channel for the server.
Well I really don’t know if you guys have an IRC for the servers, But If you make one that mean’s an admin doesn’t have to come in-game just to kick one player and leave.
• 20 kills before Construction
All pinpoint lover’s should know this, There’s a griefer 95% of the time in the server, If not one, 2 or maybe even 3. Etc, That’s why we need to get about 20 kills before you can Construct and stuff.
• Anti Aimbot Script
I’m pretty sure there’s an aimbot script where If you get like 15 kills In a row you get kicked/banned, If so we need this. If not we need to figure out something that will stop the hackers.
• Jail
If you guys go on Minit Assault there’s this actual invisible jail they can’t be seen by players that’s not in it, But If you are in it you are stuck in like the jail/cage and get banned when you leave I think. We need this, Pretty much. (Admins put the people who’s Griefing/Hacking, Etc.
Hope you guy’s like my suggestions, Pinpoint Is just full of kids, Hackers, Griefers.
That seems a little low, but yes, it probably is a little high for this server right now.
Well I really don't know if you guys have an IRC for the [u]servers[/u], But If you make one that mean's an admin doesn't have to come in-game just to kick one player and leave.
We have one and it is used very often.
• 20 kills before Construction
Griefing is a big problem, but not letting players build off the bat is going to turn people off.
• Anti Aimbot Script
It (allegedly) gives false positives. It's set on notify, and it will often only catch certain kinds of aimbotters. More clever and careful aimbotters have to be caught manually. But it is on and does let us know when something is fishy.
• Jail
We just ban hackers and griefers. Why put them in jail when we can get rid of them entirely?
Huzzah, he likes my jail script. I like to give people (besides hackers) second chances, so that’s why I made that.
Anyway, I do like some of these suggestions, but some are pointless. Thanks for the suggestions, keep them coming! I do have to say that on Minit Assault, I hate that you need to get kills before you can build/destroy (I don’t get affected myself, but other players are and they hate it).
Hey Semper, I’ve seen you a lot in game! Yeah it’s really hard admining Pinpoint. These are good suggestions, I agree we do need to fix votekicks.
Danke otherwise said it all.
A good tip is to do “/admin message” to help notify us via IRC. Example: /admin hey we have griefers!
As soon as it’s low, we get people saying things like: " TYPE /Y FOR AIRSTRIKE." Next thing you know, people are going to be flooding our Ban appeals section screaming that they got votekicked by a griefer…pick your poison.
Now the 20 kills thing sounds like an invitation for people to aimbot for 20 kills, then grief.
Come on now, Froe, you know /admin isn’t the helpfuliest of hints. You have better luck going straight on our IRC, finding someone who’s an admin (@Name) or mod/guard (+Name) and calling our name a couple of times (type our name, without the @ or +, exactly the way it’s spelt).
An aimbot script for 15 kills in a row sounds like it’ll screw me and a bunch of other people over really bad. We’ll probably hit more false positives than actual aimbotters.
TL;DR I’m being critical of your suggestions, but simultaneously being somewhat unhelpful and not offering lots of better suggestions.
I think one of the detectors for the aimbot was killing multiple targets simultaneously. This was a fail since shotguns can do that.
Another detector was accuracy, which is screwed over since shooting your teammates can sometimes spike your accuracy over 100%.
Furthermore, aimbots have evolved to avoid the detection of the script, so it’s not very helpful…
votekick should be lowered to like 10 because usualy 1/3 of your team doesnt /y no matter what and if its a griefer thats being vote kicked (exept for like 2 or three good samaritans) the other team doesnt waste thier time /y-ing.
the aimbot idea is not a good idea because good players know were the enemy team usualy go (the windows and turrets) and therefore are able to get many kills very fast just like an aimboter (not quite as many tho)
i like the not being able to destroy blocks until a certain amount of kills idea
jail idea would be good for griefers and teamkillers but i dont like that thier taking up slots for innocent people
6-8 votekicks is most definately to low though…there are a lot of people that tend to votekick a good player because they think the player is “botting”, or they just think the player is to good, so they votekick out of rage…and if a measly 8/32 decide the same thing, or just vote because they feel like it, then the player is kicked when they really didn’t do anything. In my opinion, the votekick system is a tad bit overpowered because of the fact that your game-time is in the hands of random people that can votekick no matter what the circumstances.