Plz tell me!
minideckarena, avstorage, indiaarena, generator2, planeassault, avseafort, prisonbreak, nuketown, avsmallfortress, facingworldsarena
In that order
If you ever wanna know in any server just do /showrotation. I’m pretty sure it’s a public command.
Yup, it’s public
Wait facingworlds is running?
Time to play arena.
'tis not a bad map, i just think its wayyyyyyyyy to dark, i can barely see when i play it.
I actually like facingworldsarena; it’s one of the few arena sniping maps. I can still do better with the rifle on avstorage, though. Lol
I’ve 1-manned the entire opposing team before.
And, subsequently, got banned.
votekicked, or banned?
cause last time I did it, I didn’t get banned… or voted.
I miss all the fun…
Hahahahah too much skill.