Votekick threshold.

Hey everyone,

I think this is a sentiment everyone felt at some point, but the votekick threshold is much too high on babel. On a full server, not enough people give a shit about votekicks to vote at all (not even considering the much plausible language barrier too).

Admins aren’t really on all the time, so it’s kind of frustrating when players can’t really do anything about it.

Could there be any way to lower it at all?


iirc I don’t think the threshold has been changed before and is currently at the level it is for protection against abuse. If it was lowered imo then many “false-positive” vote kicks or spammy vote kicks have a higher chance of going through.

When a vote kick is started I usually switch to the spectator team and spectate the accused hacker for about a minute or two and if I don’t see any oblivious hacking going on I usually don’t /y and I usually don’t /y if the vote kick has some stupid reason, such as “traps are gay” unless I know for certain it’s against a player that I know is personally breaking the rules.

but maybe the current player base requires a lower limit? In the past we had hundreds of players and lately I don’t think we have that many currently playing (need to get people interested), but I also feel the system needs a update.

For example, IMO vote kick should have reasons prewritten in the script (/votekick # player, 0= hacking, 1=grief/tower block, etc) and more can be added when needed. While this takes away some freedom of the players it prevents some abuse (I.e. player x is a bitch, traps are gay, etc). Lately I’ve seen more people tie up votekicks with these ridiculous reasons and if for some reason they are for a legitimate votekick I wouldn’t know because traps are gay != hacking.

Another reason people don’t vote imo is that they don’t understand English. I’ve said before having system commands translated to a language would be a good idea but unsure if possible or already integrated.

Those are fair points, but I think it’s way more frustrating to have to deal with hackers than being banned for half an hour over a phony votekick. Maybe if there were harsher punishments for phony votekicks people would stop doing that?

(I know I’m guilty of funvoting, lynch me)