Unban Torch!

whos torch

I know right? Who is that handsome folk?

There have been other admins who did exactly that and thought Torch guilty as well. ADDITIONALLY, we have other testimonies from players who were there. They said that they saw the kill feed and that Torch killed Danke right after the spawn. They have no reason to lie.

There is also an inconsistency that I have noticed. Torch said that he could make it over the wall in 6 seconds and that Danke said that he had about 5-6 seconds before he got killed. However, Torch said he had a few seconds before he respawned which means in all likeliness he had less than 4 which is not nearly enough to do that. Also, Torch didn’t wait 16 seconds before moving to Danke because he even himself said that it would take “like 6 seconds” and he didn’t even pause to do anything for 16 seconds, which means everything that happened occured in the course of one spawn wave. Danke did say “what” immediately after he was killed, I’ll take the time to show you and example of how long it takes me to write down “what” and send it in AoS:


It look less than 1 second to do that, which is why we consider that timestamp of Danke’s death accurate. To add more evidence, I will state that Danke did spawn after teleporting to Torch and being there for about a second. Since the server logs are very accurate, and they don’t lie, we are trusting the word of Danke and the witnesses that witnessed the kill feed. We have plenty of evidence, and nobody would lie about what they have seen, especially in this scenario. Here’s a silly hashtag for you:

I request the logs from the time right before Torch killed Danke to the time Torch was banned, so we who don’t have access to the logs can see for ourselves.


The only logs you need to see are in his ban appeal. Im not at liberty o expose our witnesses either, that’s their choice to post what they saw.

Why won’t you show the time from right before Danke was killed to the time Torch was banned?
That’s all i’m asking :o

There’s really nothing useful other than the 16 seconds, not including the excuses that Torch made, which don’t make any sense. Check his ban appeal for the logs from when Danke got killed.

Chill… I meant the specific map with the tower, hole, grey blocks scattered around the spawnpoint, etc.

It’s interesting how you say I’m the one who is inconsistent when your definition of immediately is 1 second and you’ve admitted several times how 15 seconds could easily be “immediately” to Danke. Also, you aren’t under the same emotion as Danke was. Danke was incredulous and stupefied at the time. Also, yeah it’s pretty obvious how you are loose with the timestamps when it benefits your side and strict when it comes to my side.

I’m pretty sure this is a lie. There were only two other people on the server as far as I remember. One was Obed and the other person was some random unknown named guy that I highly doubt has an aloha account. Also, killfeeds don’t say spawns… so… there’s that… And I have no reason to lie either. It would’ve been expedient and pleased the admins to just lie and say I hacked and make a page long apology and say how I’ll never do it again. I choose to tell the truth just like I did in my last ban, because truth always prevails. It’s up to you whether you want to believe it or not or let pride let truth not do its work.

Annnnnnnnd this is what is wrong with this entire ban lol. Roolllinnn

You tell 'em gurl!

He’s talking about how he didn’t have the map yet knew exactly the sliver he needed to shoot through to kill Danke, it’s one of the first things he said.

Buuuuuut, he wouldn’t have known that had he used a noclip bullet hack. ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile:

Pretty much. Can ya’ll just release logs (if you have em) that prove, objectively, that Torch spawned and shot Danke in the same second?
If you don’t or they don’t show that-Unban.
If you do-Ban
Simple as that.
Honestly, all this withholding of info would make Hillary Clinton exasperated.

Apocalyptic, I am 99.9% sure that you read my post and so, I highly request you to please follow it. If, by a miracle, you didn’t notice it, here is the link.

Alright, I’m going to say it in this post since it’s the one I just opened… Any future posts that reference this issue until the next ban appeal, please just link them to this post.

I took a step back and realized no amount of me being right or wrong will convince the admins of anything since it’s me fighting against someone’s word.

I’m going to try to my best to keep quiet and leave this alone until I make another ban appeal in a month’s time or whatever it is from the date of the first ban appeal.

I ask those that support me or just don’t support the admins and may not support me directly to just keep quiet as well. (You are your own being and can do whatever you want though. I can’t force you to do anything.) At this point, I think we’ve all said what we thought needed to be said.

I hope we can all just calm down and forget this until it needs to arise again.

I just finished recording a video showing what I remember. I didn’t even know the name of the map at the time of the ban and was thinking I needed the original map. Izzy and Urr were right though and I didn’t really need the original. I could still get the point across without the original with just guesstimates of stuff. I will upload it and post it with the next ban appeal. If at that time I remain banned after I show my side of the story then all of you that still have feelings involved or have something to say can feel free to continue, but at that point I will be leaving the community anyways until the next time period I have to reapply for an unban. If I don’t get a time period to reapply for an unban and it’s perma then I will just leave and play on the other AoS servers when I want to play AoS. If I’m unbanned, I won’t gloat or say “I told you so’s” but just gladly accept the unban and continue to play as normal. I have learned from this incident though and will be recording every time I play if I remember to. (now that I found a free screen recording program! :D) I have several very large capacity harddrives that I will be able to archive all my gameplay with for even years to come to assure this doesn’t happen to me again. (hopefully I don’t lose any or forget to record sometime :frowning: knowing me, that will be the time I’m banned again for some reason or other lol.) I wish it didn’t have to be that way, but I understand if it has to. It is your server and you can run things how you want.

EDIT: Also, I ask that those that are against me or think I hacked also refrain from posting about this as well. It’s not fair to ask others to stop posting in my favor if people are egging them on. Let’s all just keep it on the downlow for now.

Cheers, and see you in a monthish. :slight_smile:

Thank you for being so cooperative :slight_smile:

I ran out of salt lol.


yay. this is an example of the kind of effort i was trying to pull out of you. in fact, most of your reply that this quote was extracted from is a step in the direction of a more sensible Torch. i don’t know why you avoided such effort until your door of opportunity closed, but i hope you maintain this fresh momentum long after we open the next door of opportunity for you…

believe it or not, i actually want your shown perspective to be compelling enough that i and others can say, “ok, that’s possible, that makes sense,” when comparing it to the perspective shown by Danke, so we can have weighed reason to stand up for you. but as it is right now, Danke’s side of the story is more compelling than yours, and considering his complex involvement at aloha.pk over the past 4+ years, your nitpicking on him isn’t helpful and only shows me that you aren’t anywhere near realizing the true nature of the combined efforts that make up aloha.pk.

That reminds me the first mission from Medal of Honor Allied Assault
nice memories