Unban Torch!

I understand if you guys want to trust Danke’s word or hacker sense, but this just sets a precedent that I don’t think some are fully understanding. Obviously this isn’t a court and precedents aren’t able to be used to convict or whatever, but if I (someone who is relatively well known as never having hacked on aloha and has played for several years) can have a ban justified after the incident from some timestamps and with the process of guilty until proven innocent with no real chance of being allowed to prove my innocence anytime I asked for reasonable opportunities to show/explain what happened or not being included in the recreation process of what happened (really strange considering Danke didn’t know where I was and that was why I was originally banned) then no one else is safe either.

I was hoping that even if I stayed banned that a rule would be made that all admins would be required to record video for future bans regardless of how good they are just to be able to stop drama like this, but as far as I know this isn’t happening. If it doesn’t, I would recommend that everyone that can record do so when they play just in case.

The only thing I’ll be injecting is PUBovl so i think I’ll be pretty safe.

Mark my words, gentlemen: Torchy-poo shall be unbanned, this circus of incompetent and injudicious administrative dolts shall receive a well-deserved humiliation, and an atmosphere of true, unclouded justice will gracefully be restored.

Everybody arm yourselves and take to the streets! The time for revolution is here!!

Grab your AKs and vodka grenades!

I’ve started recording constantly so admins can see trusted players like xoke abusing the VK system just because he doesn’t like me. And because he’s trusted I can VK him back for actually breaking the rules. The Aloha system needs refining imo. Personal vendettas don’t change facts. I’m on your side anyways Torch. Even if you were hacking, they said you were from the get go without actually using any system.

Now trusted players are the enemy too. Good job dividing the community Torch.

Well it seems only that Xoke is Arcinius’s enemy. No one is saying trusted users are the bad guys. :smiley:

If everyone is holding hands and singing kumbayah and one idiot comes in and starts yelling about how there is a divide or someone is abusing this/that or someone did this/that then everyone will laugh and keep on singing. I didn’t divide anyone, I just pointed out the divide that was already there. Look at the #BlackLivesMatter group. Whether you support them or don’t support them, they didn’t create a divide. They are just highlighting the issues that already existed in America’s society that we just like to overlook. You can think they are going about it wrong, but we should identify that there is at least a problem of some magnitude that should be addressed. If we don’t, then the divide will expand until we start to no longer see each other as humans and start treating each other even worse than we already do.

I will take this time to say that I apologize for the unnecessary drama that I have created in this process. It wasn’t completely unexpected though. Almost anyone in my shoes would have done the same after they were banned with no evidence and when the banning admin decided to say “I’ve humored this enough” and leave the ban appeal without even posting any evidence. I didn’t get any evidence at all posted against me until after I posted a long drama thread explaining the back story of what happened and my ideal but unrealistic solution(s).

Gandhi suffered with injustices so others might enjoy freedoms and justice and I’m okay with doing the same. Even if I had hacked, I wasn’t even spectated during the “impossible” shot. Not even in the spectator team or death cam, let alone pubovl/topovl. That alone is justification for anyone to fight against my ban. I understand that this is just a server and the admins can run things how they want to and don’t have to provide evidence, but I do believe that everyone can agree that admins should at least be spectating in some way or other DURING an infringement and not just afterwards in a prejudice of incredulity.

This man comparing himself to Gandhi. lol

An ant can be put in a comparison to a rocket. There is no disrespect here unless you interject it yourself.

Both mountains, his was just bigger and actually important to real life.

we’ve already given you more than enough benefit of the doubt, but you take us for granted by not taking us seriously when we take you seriously. you said yourself you’re a class clown at heart… well, it’s unreasonable to expect the world to treat you any differently. there’s only so much we can do for people who keep their guard up as high as you do. we’ve been too nice to you and now you’re upset because our willingness to go out of our way for you is fading.

you’ve had plenty of opportunities, and you’re continuing to take this opportunity for granted. you don’t need us to hold your hand to prove yourself. go ahead and prove yourself, but it’s time to do so without relying on our generous efforts and resources. maybe you could start by clicking a button to create your own temporary server, recording a video reenactment of the event with your friends, and posting the video in your ban appeal. just an idea. you think up and do the rest.

+1 this, you have a month to do it because Danke denied your appeal. 1 month is plenty of time.

Yeah I’ll be honest this xoke vs. Arcinius thing is partially a joke. He shouldn’t have done what he did but now I just do little satirical drama pieces. I still don’t know who Torch is though.

Also I fully support the trusted user system but I think that Aloha needs to understand that even trusted players sometimes do bad things. They aren’t automatically little angels just because they make up some shit about being veterans of AoS who love the game or whatever.

If you knew the rules, you wouldn’t do bad things.
A trusted player become as trusted because he know what’s wrong and what’s correct.

In theory, yeah.

In practice… clearly not.

The problem is I don’t have the map. The sliver that I knew existed from the start is pivotal to the story. Me just guessing its original location is just a bad idea. I asked to be let back on the server just temporarily (it was empty besides danke & his compadre or alt) and that was a perfectly reasonable request. I could’ve downloaded the map then if the reenactment wasn’t successful. And the problem with your “using our valuable resources” is that Danke took the time to do the reenactment right after I was banned and I gave him the textual details. He could’ve very well included me in the process if he actually cared about finding out the truth since he didn’t know the truth. Once again, that is why he said “what” after I shot him. He didn’t know what happened.

And please. If you actually read what I said you would see I said “most”. “Most” is a modifier making the statement not apply “all” the time. In reference to the class clown statement made right after that, class clowns are just people that like making lots of jokes. It doesn’t mean they eternally make jokes. If they get sent to the principal’s office, they are going to stop joking around until things get sorted out. Resorting to the either/or fallacy doesn’t help anyone and just shows you are trying to be difficult because that’s all you can do when the only evidence that was even made public didn’t take place till several pages into the ban appeal and is a snippet of chat logs that excluded the pivotal part of the theory that was presented as “proof” of me hacking or whatever. This once again points to just a personal bias against me and the inability to detach oneself during the ban appeal process. Once again, if you want to keep me banned just because you don’t like me, you can do that because it’s your server, but I don’t think it’s really necessary to keep up the facade of it being because you have undeniable proof of me hacking.

How about an admin looks at the logs that doesn’t know anything about the situation, that way they’re impartial, and maybe they could show us the logs from the time right before Torch killed Danke to the time Torch was banned.


Are you guys going to prolong this act up until the 30 days time is over?

no, that’s another excuse. the problem is your unwillingness to do for yourself what you expect us to do for you. had you simply tried what i suggested, you’d know after three quick clicks that the map is already included in the map selection list of the point-click automagic server creator system:

or had you simply asked for the map, you’d also know that it’s available for download here: http://aloha.pk/files/aos/maps/